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NEURONCHASER | Both Cried For Justice | Нейроаранжировки на стихи современных поэтов в СПб

МУЗЫКА / Рэп, хип-хоп / NEURONCHASER | Both Cried For Justice | Нейроаранжировки на стихи современных поэтов в СПб
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20 октября ’2024   14:47
Просмотров: 74

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Hi! Стихотворение написано 30.07.2024 г. На это стихотворение мной была создана музыкальная композиция с помощью нейросети 04.08.2024.

Both Cried For Justice

Life in the ghetto breeds the words of truth,
Words become bullets, breaking armor through,
Shattering hearts of steel of various colors.
STAND! Stand with my brothers

Murders of non-whites remain in deathly silence,
Cause this is beneficial to the non-black alliance,
Facing not a word of condemnation from others.
STAND! Death lurks in the corners.

Through my eyes, stares Panther twenty-one,
You will see this gaze, before you will gone.
My words become bullets, deadly, you can hear,
And like panthera's claws, any armor they tear.

In the streets of the city, where the shadows play,
Lived a young rapper, fighting every day.
He spoke of injustice, the violence, the pain,
In the ghettos so dark, where the blood leaves a stain.

Two lives, two paths, in the Land of the Free,
Both cried for justice, but it wasn't meant to be.
Their blood on the streets, their voices in the wind,
Unanswered cries, where does justice begin?

The second young rapper, with no hope to find,
Turned to the darkness, left his dreams behind.
With a gun in his hand and drugs to sell,
He walked a path that led straight to hell.

Two lives, two paths, in the Land of the Free,
Both cried for justice, but it wasn't meant to be.
Their blood on the streets, their voices in the wind,
Unanswered cries, where does justice begin?

One fought with his words, the other with crime,
Both lost to the streets, in the same cruel time.
Unknown assailants, their killers remain,
In the shadows they hide, untouched by the blame.

Two lives, two paths, in the Land of the Free,
Both cried for justice, but it wasn't meant to be.
Their blood on the streets, their voices in the wind,
Unanswered cries, where does justice begin?

Their stories untold, their blood calls for more,
In the silence it screams, for justice, for war.
The ones who conspired, they walk free today,
While the streets remember, the price they had to pay.

Two lives, two paths, in the Land of the Free,
Both cried for justice, but it wasn't meant to be.
Their blood on the streets, their voices in the wind,
Unanswered cries, where does Justice begin?

© Copyright: Олег Крыжановский, 2024
Свидетельство о публикации №124102004559

#aisong #aimusic #hiphop #dirtysouth #rap #gangstarap #2pac #notorius_b_i_g #oldskull #oldschool #panthers_twenty_one #panthers21


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