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Damian Tahur - Not Ok

МУЗЫКА / Рэп, хип-хоп / Damian Tahur - Not Ok
Просмотр работы:
28 сентября ’2024   17:44
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Damian Tahur
Not Ok

That's right

Everybody in this life of sin
Just wants to be free
And live
Without doing anything
I'm not afraid to be myself
Cuz I know
What awaits me
In this crazy world
God, I'm here to be free
And believe
That you can give me
Everything I need
I pray for a better way,
Living in the world
Where nobody is okay
Without you, Lord
I want love with all my heart
Cuz I see
That we can be better
In this life of sin
All I have inside is mine
I will never let this world
Kill my dreams (c'mon)
They will stay alive

It ain't right to think
That we can be more,
Living how we live
In this crazy world
I'm on my own
But I pray for this world
Cuz I'm not ok
When my heart is cold
It ain't right to think
That we can be more,
Living how we live
In this crazy world
I'm on my own (c'mon)
But I pray for this world
Cuz I'm not ok
When my heart is cold

I'm here to stop crying
Even when it's hard
To get up and fight
For what you love
Lord, forgive me
Cuz sometimes I want to be
The one who doesn't care
About my life and me
I talk to everybody
In this world
We ain't free till we understand
Who we are
My mind is what I have
In this life of sin
I don't want to lose it
Cuz it's gonna help me win
I'm still the same
Nothing is about to change me
Cuz I know what I want
In this game
I'm a sinner, Lord,
And I don't want to believe
That I can be more
Without your love

It ain't right to think
That we can be more,
Living how we live
In this crazy world
I'm on my own
But I pray for this world
Cuz I'm not ok
When my heart is cold
It ain't right to think
That we can be more,
Living how we live
In this crazy world
I'm on my own
But I pray for this world
Cuz I'm not ok
When my heart is cold

I do my time
In this life of sin
I can't breathe without love
Cuz it's all we need
It's hard to be alive
In this world
Cuz every day we run
From who we are
They don't want us to believe
In what we have
All we do is lose our souls
In this game
God, you hear me,
Every day I pray to you
There's no need to go to church
Cuz only you are true
All I want is justice
Cuz it's time
To get what we give each other
In this life
I want to give this world
Everything I have
Lord, help me with it
Cuz you are my only friend

It ain't right to think
That we can be more,
Living how we live
In this crazy world
I'm on my own
But I pray for this world
Cuz I'm not ok
When my heart is cold
It ain't right to think
That we can be more,
Living how we live
In this crazy world
I'm on my own
But I pray for this world
Cuz I'm not ok
When my heart is cold

Cuz I'm not ok
When my heart is cold

Cuz I'm not ok
When my heart is cold

Cuz I'm not ok
When my heart is cold

Cuz I'm not ok
When my heart is cold


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Оставлен: 29 сентября ’2024   13:31

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Наш рупор
Я развею прах и холод
Над прозрачною водой:
Станешь ты, как прежде, молод,
Я, как прежде, молодой
И будем жить.

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3 мин. 14 сек.

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