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«Неизвестный Гений»
Dream come true not for you
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31 декабря ’2010 14:03
Просмотров: 26208
Финал оперы "Ёжик, который принёс клей!". Здесь все герои наконец повзрослели и объединились. Поют они о том, что мечтой сыт не будешь, надо делать её явью прямо сейчас. В противном случае то, чего ты хочешь, придёт к другому, а ты останешься ни с чем.
В ролях:
Медведь - Виктор Белов;
Ёжик - Артём Борисенко;
Петя - Станислав Саксон;
Лиса - Светланав Бутовская; С
ова - Валерия Терпугова.
Be brave
and never give up
Do all you can to reach the goal
Make your dream real
I was born in a small town
And I had many friends
But I did not care about them
Because I have been fighting all the time
The time has come
When I looked at herе
And she turned out to be
More than I thought she was
или And I saw her
As never had seen before
или always striking someone
или I was always fighting
или I have been striking someone all the time
или вообще тут может быть любой вариант xD
I was born in a big city
And I had many friends
But I did not care about them
Because I was playing the guitar alone
But I put on sneakers
and found some lads,
Since than we succeeded
And I’ll conquer the whole world
The life is unpredictable
We don't see what's near us
we are sitting by,
While we should simply look around
As someone else
Can start achieving
Our cherished dreams
And they will come true not for you
В ролях:
Медведь - Виктор Белов;
Ёжик - Артём Борисенко;
Петя - Станислав Саксон;
Лиса - Светланав Бутовская; С
ова - Валерия Терпугова.
Be brave
and never give up
Do all you can to reach the goal
Make your dream real
I was born in a small town
And I had many friends
But I did not care about them
Because I have been fighting all the time
The time has come
When I looked at herе
And she turned out to be
More than I thought she was
или And I saw her
As never had seen before
или always striking someone
или I was always fighting
или I have been striking someone all the time
или вообще тут может быть любой вариант xD
I was born in a big city
And I had many friends
But I did not care about them
Because I was playing the guitar alone
But I put on sneakers
and found some lads,
Since than we succeeded
And I’ll conquer the whole world
The life is unpredictable
We don't see what's near us
we are sitting by,
While we should simply look around
As someone else
Can start achieving
Our cherished dreams
And they will come true not for you
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Оставлен: 31 декабря ’2010 15:24
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