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An Issue

МУЗЫКА / Поп / An Issue
Просмотр работы:
19 февраля ’2013   19:55
Просмотров: 21579

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Here's an issue
One so far
Making wishes stopped to be my firestone
Ain't it weird or fun?

Many feelings, no follow-up
Flying living turns the seeds into the bones
Nothing's gonna be missed out


Will you try to take your road to me
As we're nothing like we used to be
Any precious thing would never come so fast

In a life that seems to give much time
Losing more than finding friends o'mine
I shall wait for you in spite of my distrust

Put the very question: what's up?
While looking in the mirror

Higher colours, but higher the sea
To my sorrow we got this idyll screwed up
What a mess, should it be?

Play the role of Juliet, take a potion of tears
I'm full of patience, no crazy actions
Drown yourself in sleep to get rid of your fears
Waking should let find a way out


Will you chance it to come back to me
As we're nothing like we used to be
Any precious thing would never come so fast

In a life that seems to give much time
Losing more than finding friends o'mine
I shall wait for you in spite of my distrust

Put the very question: what's up?

Here's an issue
One so far

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