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Gold, Money, Time

МУЗЫКА / Поп / Gold, Money, Time
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28 января ’2013   12:07
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Gold, Money, Time
Gold and money own the World
Gold and money - source of life
Gold and money - ball and chain
Gold and money
Great spenders, рoor people works
Bought for the money not worth anything
Gold and money - sweat, blood and tears
Gold and money

Not gold, not money, not gold, not money, but time
Not gold, not money, not gold, not money, but time
that's the only good real value of every person
to dispose of which there is no time no time to learn.
Not gold, not money, not gold, not money, but time
Not gold, not money, not gold, not money, but time
And when we realize the true real value of time
too late to learn, and hurt ... because time is running out.

The more you have, the more you want.
Money is chief root of all evil.
Money doesn’t grow on trees
Gold and money
Gold has killed more souls, than iron
Health more, than gold. What is a money?
Painted paper. Only people
making money.

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