перевод - Наталия Соллогуб
слова и музыка - Maestro
вариант на русском http://www.chitalnya.ru/work/370408/
She is late
It’s not too late for us to change all.
Our rebukes and insults lined wall,
that the words come together with the case.
You aren’t in a hurry to ask for grace.
And for you little hope
You're too late, too late
And for you little hope
You're too late, too late
Is not too late for us to catch a train
You are afraid of thunder, even rain.
It’s necessary we should pick up speed,
that's because you slowly walk behind me
And for you little hope
You're too late, too late
And the lights fade station
You're too late, too late
You naturally scare all new items
You are afraid of changing subjects.
Everything is subject to the brave
You аre timid as a silent wave