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Euro 2012

МУЗЫКА / Поп / Euro 2012
Просмотр работы:
27 февраля ’2012   12:45
Просмотров: 23605

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EURO 2012 (eng)
Though way’s far from, football Eden,
Just let’s, just make, try your first step,
And as for sure, we chose Ukraine,
Just hoist our Euro flag!

Everyone, I bet,
Will support lands good regard,
Euro is the new outset,
It’s you and I so let us start!

Ukraine is new wave of sport,
Just is so.
All the Europe comes to us
On football!
You and I, today are all,
Let our goal bang all tribunes,
Just come on!

To stay like walls for every pass,
Like for your only dearest mom,
As we won’t let this chance to go,
Cause we will win, and it is so!

Just only we, can win!
To fight, to try, till end!
Tomorrow our Euro’s been,
My only dearest homeland!

Ukraine is new wave of sport,
Just is so.
All the Europe comes to us
On football!
You and I, today are all,
Let our goal bang all tribunes,
Just come on!

Though way’s far from, football Eden,
Just let’s, just make try your first step,
So make you sure and choose Ukraine,
Stand under your football flag!


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Оставлен: 28 февраля ’2012   18:49

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