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Ionel Istrati - Facing the wall

МУЗЫКА / Поп / Ionel Istrati - Facing the wall
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09 мая ’2011   15:47
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Music/Lyrics/Orchestration/Back-Vocals  : Eugen Doibani (Natan)

We’re the guests
We’re not here to rest
We’re the guests
Our plan’s to find a nest
And maybe happiness
Someone’s born
Just to walk and crawl
Someone’s born
To be strong and take it all
But someone is like me
And I keep

Facing the wall
Standing to fall
Nothing is to lose
Facing the wall
Waiting a call
Sick of being used
Facing the wall
No way to go
Lost the count of days
Cause a “somebody’s” game
Tortures our pain

Simple dreams
Seems they’re all we do
To reprove
That we need a second chance
And we’ll get up and move
Someone’s born
Just to walk and crawl
Someone’s born
To be strong and take it all
But someone is like me
And I keep

You don’t know who I am
But my face and my name
What you’re trying to see
It’s my willing to live
Let me follow my way
Let me learn from mistakes
Every day is my day
I’m not pushing the breaks
I feel that it’s gonna be alright
I’m sure that it’s gonna be alright
And someday I’ll stop



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Оставлен: 09 мая ’2011   18:37

Оставлен: 05 июня ’2011   02:31
Класс!!! Суперрр!!! Голосую двумя руками!!!

Оставлен: 18 января ’2016   14:50
офигенный треккк!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
я за !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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