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«Неизвестный Гений»
Swimming in the ocean
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19 января ’2014 18:14
Просмотров: 20389
Добавлено в закладки: 2
You picture me out there on the ocean, trusting my fate to the tides
I abandoning myself to the emotion
of the freedom that swimming provides.
You watch me coming out of the water,
all godlike and shiny and wet,
and you know you'd worship there at my altar, if I let you, and learn to forget.
Yes, I picture us out there on the ocean, trusting our fate to the tides and abandoning ourselves to the emotion of the freedom that loving provides.
Tekst: Smudie
You picture me out there on the ocean, trusting my fate to the tides
I abandoning myself to the emotion
of the freedom that swimming provides.
You watch me coming out of the water,
all godlike and shiny and wet,
and you know you'd worship there at my altar, if I let you, and learn to forget.
Yes, I picture us out there on the ocean, trusting our fate to the tides and abandoning ourselves to the emotion of the freedom that loving provides.
Tekst: Smudie
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Оставлен: 19 января ’2014 18:41
вокал бы обработать как нить по другому бы
Оставлен: 19 февраля ’2014 17:31
Музыка классная, голос красивый, такие песни можно и нужно слушать.Никогда не надоест. Удачи !
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