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«Неизвестный Гений»
ugly muse (na na na)
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03 февраля ’2011 09:23
Просмотров: 25906
ugly muse is better
than no muse at all
I just wanna be your girl
be your sexy girl
you seem to be nothing
for man of ur age
maybe this is your disquise
or a camuflage
I didn't think much to compose this music
I didn't think much to write this text
You don't have to have a lot of brains
To compose the music and text about sex
than no muse at all
I just wanna be your girl
be your sexy girl
you seem to be nothing
for man of ur age
maybe this is your disquise
or a camuflage
I didn't think much to compose this music
I didn't think much to write this text
You don't have to have a lot of brains
To compose the music and text about sex
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