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Mixed inside this Web

МУЗЫКА / Другое / Mixed inside this Web
Просмотр работы:
14 ноября ’2010   02:07
Просмотров: 25676

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1. Just tell me where to escape
From dreams, from faded memories;
How to release from promise chains;
Where can I hide from lies;
To overcome the hurting pains
From gone forfeits and payers?
When stupid shortage of feelings kills;
No laughter - only tears;

...mixed inside this web;
Got mixed inside this web?
...I'm mixed inside this web;
Got mixed inside this web.

Cupidity of vile delights
Creates my sins and fears.
Your words are right; got separate...
No promise will come true.
All dreams are fake;

...mixed inside this web;
Got mixed inside this web?
...I'm mixed inside this web;
Got mixed inside this web.

2. So hard my blame's
That I'm mixed inside this web.
So, can we check our feeling's depth
And not to drown ourselves?!?
Got mixed inside this web?
Please, let me know.
Please, tell me that.
And don't get mixed
Like me inside this web!

...mixed inside this web;
Got mixed inside this web?
...I'm mixed inside this web;
Got mixed inside this web.

© Copyright: ЕвГения Евпак, 2010


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