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Добежать до Микрофона - Next Generation

МУЗЫКА / Другое / Добежать до Микрофона - Next Generation
Просмотр работы:
10 ноября ’2010   00:18
Просмотров: 25966

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Another day is over,
You start to breath slower
Look in the mirror,
Next generation.
Apocalyptic sound
Of filthy bloody town,
Take some more,
Kill your reflection!

Going down, leaving now,
Dont' break the chain. Forgive me
I'm sold out, in this round
I'm insane beliver
Never try, hide your eyes,
Never turn back, he's waiting.
Land of dream, final grin,
Mirror is painting.
Wonderland is red of blood,
I can't look inside my own eyes,
Fairietales have no god
In unholy sky.

You find yourself inside,
THere is no mystic light.
Try not to lose your mind
Next generation.
Apocalyptic sound,
Let's start the final round.
Save your soul,
Kill your reflection!

Wasting time, going crime,
Falling inside your fear,
Smiling cat makes the bet,
He is somewhere near.
Run away, in this play
You are the one who dies,
Hatter's mad, your sunset
Through a thousand lifes.
Wonderland is red of blood,
I can't look inside my own eyes,
Fairietales have no god
In unholy sky.

Breaking thruogh, seeing truth,
Taking the world for granted,
You will soon lose your spoon,
Matrix was defended.
Now youe queen cuts your skin,
Cards prepare for action.
Someone lies, hear your cryes
You've just left this section.
Wonderland is red of blood,
I can't look inside my own eyes,
Fairietales have no god
In unholy sky.
Leave or stay, there's no way back,
Dreams inside, and you know why
Rabbit turned to be so black
In uholy sky...


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Оставлен: 10 ноября ’2010   19:10
ой май гад!!вери велл, мне понравилось. Только смеха в конце слишком много, в смысле рано пустили.

Оставлен: 21 декабря ’2010   00:43

Оставлен: 21 декабря ’2010   00:46
Бодро! +10

Оставлен: 21 декабря ’2010   00:48
Неплохая тема!

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