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Wisdom Eye

МУЗЫКА / Другое / Wisdom Eye
Просмотр работы:
05 декабря ’2022   12:13
Просмотров: 4023

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Give me one more chance and I'll tell you that
All in your life could feel not like a double-edged knife,
And I will teach you how to see the world
By Wisdom Eye.

1 verse:

You see, another day is dying to the west of you,
You know, the next is gonna be so dull one,
And hope for the better day’s never yours, but
Every new day can bring on new chance to
Change everything once and for all,
But you say that those who is capable of doing That are only Martians.


Give me one more chance and I will prove that
All in our life can look not like a double-edged knife,
Trust me that I can bring that bright colors
Back on your face,
Give me just one more chance and
I will tell you what that means to be
Truly alive and I will teach you how to
See the world by Wisdom Eye.

2 verse:

My every fall makes me stronger,
I always got a lesson from my every move
How get up and put my foot back into stirrup And saddle the fortune that like wild horse Dismount me down, but
I'll keep trying on and on time and time again
Till time when I will get what I want, even though
You keep saying that those who can do that are
Only Martians, yeah, yeah!


From millions of winding paths
I know true is one and only
That will bring me to you,
And only my heart will know
How to find that glow
Find that shore where I'm so much long awaited.


Give me one more chance and I'll show you
That all in your life could feel not like a double-edged knife,
Trust me that I can bring that bright colours
Back on your face, yes,
Give me yet one more chance,
Just only one more chance, and you will never regret about
That one moment when just like in Nirvana
We jumped up to the stars
And got seen the world
By Wisdom Eye!


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