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Place To Start (REMIX 2021) (Feat. Dpark, Astat, Knightros)

МУЗЫКА / Другое / Place To Start (REMIX 2021) (Feat. Dpark, Astat, Knightros)
Просмотр работы:
05 апреля ’2021   15:59
Просмотров: 7291

Скачать файл - 5.706 мб   (Загружено 0 раз)
Clip on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UZ_jMaGhs94


[Khan Shtorh 2020]
I don't have a leg to stand on
Spinning like a whirlwind nothing to land on
Came so far never thought it'd be done now
Stuck in a holding pattern waiting to come down

[Dimitris Papasinos]
Oh, oh close your eyes and reach the start
Oh, oh all I want the place to start

[Mike Shinoda & Khan Shtorh]
I don't have a leg to stand on
Spinning like a whirlwind nothing to land on
Came so far never thought it'd be done now
Stuck in a holding pattern waiting to come down

Did somebody else define me
Can I put the past behind me
Do I even have a decision
Feeling like I'm living in a story already written
Am I part of a vision / made by somebody else
Pointing fingers at villains but I'm the villain myself
Or am I out of conviction with no wind in the sail
Too focused on the end and simply ready to fail

Cause I'm tired of the fear that I can't control this
I'm tired of feeling like every next step's hopeless
I'm tired of being scared what I build might break apart
I don't want to know the end, all I want is a place to start

[Khan Shtorh 2021]
Is there someone who will detain me?
I'm tired of running after the wind
holding my breath to rise to the stars
back to place to start

I don't mind holding you up now
I'll be damned if I'm just gonna let you shut down
Came so far, still a long way to go
Learned so much, still a lot you don't know

[Khan Shtorh]

[Dimitris Papasinos & Khan Shtorh]
Oh, oh close your eyes and reach the start
Oh, oh all I want the place to start

And I all done its not the end
On the memories
And I on after all the pain
You what I don’t feel
I don’t reach

[Astat & Mike Shinoda]
You might never know the end but you've got a place to start
(I don't want to know the end, all I want is a place to start)
You don't need to know the end when you've got a place to start
(I don't want to know the end, all I want is a place to start)

[Khan Shtorh 2020 ]
I don't want to know the end, all I want is a place to start


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