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"War song of the Blue Dragons, South Korean marine corps" by Un Me

МУЗЫКА / Другое / "War song of the Blue Dragons, South Korean marine corps" by Un Me
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21 октября ’2019   19:41
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Will Dragons ever die?
Will Heavens break apart?
The Hell'll be terrified
By Dragons Heavens Guard.

The Dragons never die.
They just went to regroup
In Heavens, in blue sky.
Brave troop.

Marines’re in high esteem.
Blue Dragons’re th’ best of them.
Intrepid dauntless team,
The Nation’s precious gem.

Untamed Dragons are
Unbreakable defense,
The last resort of war,
Last fence.

Blue Dragons’ iron fist
Brave rush and deadly fire:
Nobody can resist.
His fate true will be dire

We love our homeland
We love our wives and sons
For ages we’ll extend
This song.

Marines’re in high esteem.
Blue Dragons’re th’ best of them.
Intrepid dauntless team,
The Nation’s precious gem.

Untamed Dragons are
Unbreakable defense,
The last resort of war,
Last fence.

Will Dragons ever die?
Will Heavens break apart?
The Hell'll be terrified
By Dragons Heavens Guard

The Dragons never die.
They just went to regroup
In Heavens, in blue sky.
Brave troop.


The Dragons never die.
They just went to regroup
On Heavens, in blue sky.
Brave troop.

Свидетельство о публикации №346001 от 25 октября 2019 года


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