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Александрия - The cruel world

МУЗЫКА / Металл / Александрия - The cruel world
Просмотр работы:
01 февраля ’2010   08:23
Просмотров: 26412

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Альбом "Flock of birds" 2009 год.

It is the end that has come to the world,
It is the end to you and me,
It is the end to all that you love,
The cruel world, the cruel world.

1. Dream, you are so far away, I shout to you,
You do not hear, but I shall wait,
And once the dream will come
and it will bring many memoirs,
Where we are running on the dew together,
You are happy you are smiling,
And I wish to sing, sing about my big love,
About love for life, but only together with you.

2. I have lost you, everything turned black,
Even the sky has lost its colour,
I asked you to return,
But it was too late, I was late,
What have you found in me and why have you died,
My heart aches, the pain gets stronger,
And I wish to shout, shout about my big love,
About love for life, but only together with you.

3. I wished to run, but I could not,
I do not hear, I do not see,
I do not hear your voice,
I do not see your smile,
You have left me alone in this world,
I am lonely, but I love you,
And I wish to sing, sing about my big love,
About love for life, but only together with you.


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