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Making Bad - Know Thyself

МУЗЫКА / Металл / Making Bad - Know Thyself
Просмотр работы:
04 августа ’2024   15:01
Просмотров: 282

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[Verse 1]
with time, the awareness comes to me
I want to see yourself in everything
explore the space around, is not for me
I want dive into the ocean golden light

I hear a voices in the dark
in the depth of my thoughts
he's curious, he wants to see the world
It might cost me my sanity

it is not destiny in my heart
this is not the impulse of the soul
it just wants me to come down
and leave me there alone

[Verse 2]
I am very interested to see...
and at the same time I'm scared
if he worse than I thought
how to continue to live...

probably I have no choice
someday it will happen
the best thing you can do
is come up with an excuse

I hear a voices in the dark
in the depth of my thoughts
he's curious, he wants to see the world
It might cost me my sanity

it is not destiny in my heart
this is not the impulse of the soul
it just wants me to come down
and leave me there alone

is there something, I can feel it
it's waiting for me
you can not run forever
Know Thyself


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