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Never is a long time

Просмотр работы:
27 сентября ’2024   10:15
Просмотров: 117
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You build it up and tear it down,
There’s no reason to follow you.
You left the song without a sound,
You left the story I made for you.
Softly angels bow and cry in the stillness of the night.
Never is a long time- goodbye.
No answers for the asking.
It’s a long time- goodbye.
No mercy for the aching.
It’s a long time- oh I see no light on the forsaken.
Never is a long time- goodbye.
Let’s spend the night when this dream has come to an end.
Sometimes you laugh, sometimes you cry,
And yes, I’ve cried over you. You left me blind in paradise.
You left me hungering for the touch of you.
Snow white angels run and hide in the blackness of the night.
Never is a long time…


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