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Illusion Sellers (Live)

Просмотр работы:
17 апреля ’2017   03:54
Просмотров: 14627

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https://vk.com/video407826293_456239078?list=16b678dafa684cd406 - watch at Vkontakte.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nToWpy-1uyY - watch at Youtube.

F#m E G F#m
You risk a lot to become a bum if you are not an illusion seller…
F#m E G F#m
There’s no more need in truth and facts, and no more jobs for smiths and tailors…
A B G F#m
But if you sell illusions well – you’ll maybe earn some dough in the end.
A B G F#m
‘nd if you save up and sell some more – you’ll buy your own illusions, friend.

Bm F#m Bm F#m A
Illusions are the true best-sellers – they’re everywhere for babes and fellas, right…
Bm F#m Bm A F#m
Illusions make their shit look better and if it stinks it doesn’t matter, they’re blind…

F#m F#m A F#m
They buy illusion of a home, no matter they don’t have their own…
F#m A F#m
They buy illusion of the food, and poisoned they don’t feel so good…
F#m A F#m
They buy illusion of the youth, while real youth just gets abused.
F#m A F#m - E - G - F#m
The buy illusion of the feat, and come the help where there’s no need…

F#m E G F#m
So run away and save your ass if you are not an illusion seller…
F#m E G F#m
‘f you try to sell them truth and facts – they’ll crush you, brake you, smash and shatter.
A B G F#m
But if you sell illusions well – you’ll maybe earn some dough in the end.
A B G F#m
‘nd if you save up and sell some more – you’ll buy your own illusions, friend…

Bm F#m Bm F#m A
Illusions are the true best-sellers – they’re everywhere for babes and fellas, right…
Bm F#m Bm A F#m
Illusions make their shit look better and if it stinks it doesn’t matter, they’re blind…

F#m F#m A F#m
They buy illusion of the love, no matter sex is not enough…
F#m A F#m
The buy illusion of the school, but stupid feel themselves so cool…
F#m A F#m
They buy illusion of the rhyme, while their rhymes don’t cost a dime.
F#m A F#m - E - G - F#m
They buy illusion of the life, already dead afraid to die…

(c) Aviel Krutinsky 2016


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