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Hardmodal - MY LOVE

МУЗЫКА / Хардрок / Hardmodal - MY LOVE
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06 декабря ’2010   23:44
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My love

(It is devoted S.O.)

You have left a sight not having turned,
In my party not having looked,
Hair only silky having waved,
Wait, on stand do not leave,
Do not leave me, after all I, you,
So strongly I love-love washing,
Which eternity will warm you!
Both during a rain and during snow and in a cold,
Wait. Take away a particle me,
Keep in your heart,
Though not for a long time, for an instant,
And it will warm - minutes of suffering you,
Love washing, love washing, my love!


The graceful gait you have left,
Breaking off a fog of hopes, good lucks, and troubles,
That connected us with you,
Having crushed all so it was expensive to us,
Our boundless ocean.
Love and dreams the river, has dried up for ever,
Having left only, dried up coast,
Where there lived love my and your!
Only a pain in a shower for ever!
Farewell! Go the road, my love!
I somehow will live without you
Farewell! Go the road, my love!
I somehow will live without you

You remember all-our happy light world,
Created only for you, for us.
Contrary to everything, it has failed,
With millions our hopes -
To be together and for ever,
Never losing itself,
You and me, you and me,
To live together eternity and for ever,
To rejoice to together coming day,
To dawn, decline and all,
That pleasure and happiness brought to us,
To you and me, you and me, you and me, BUT.......
You leave. Leave me,
After all I love you till now.
My love! My love! My love!

I do not know - can be or not,
In your soul there was that burning light,
Ours with you of mad love,
Can be, it has died away for ever,
Dividing our broken hearts,
You have made a step in anywhere.
Having left deep wounds in a breast,
Not healing already never.
Never this pain will pass,
In your heart and in a shower.
You leave. Leave. BUT....
Wait - take away that burning fire,
Keep it in your heart,
Not for a long time, for an instant,
And it will warm you - in minutes of suffering,
When the cold in a shower burns you,
Love washing, love washing, my love!


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Оставлен: 08 февраля ’2011   00:25

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