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Natan - Today

Просмотр работы:
07 мая ’2011   12:50
Просмотров: 25326

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I love the girls
They love me too
But in them all
I can't find you
Maybe it's true
That is my way
Can't think about it today

Early in the morning
I don't feel my head
And a sexy girl is lying naked on my bed
I am so much happy
Every single day
It's not about tomorrow, it's all about

I am not a richie
I'm not wearing Gucci
But I know exactly
What they like
She is getting closer
I'm not gonna lose her
And it's my turn to make a strike
I can feel the whisky
Runnin' under my skin
And my brain is asking  : "Go go go!"
Maybe it's the right time
For a letting her know
That I'm gonna take her later to my home

Early in the morning
I don't feel my head
And a sexy girl is lying naked on my bed
I am so much happy
Every single day
It's not about tomorrow, it's all about

I love the girls
They love me too
But in them all
I can't find you
Maybe it's true
That is my way
Can't think about it today

Early in the morning
I don't feel my head
And a sexy girl is lying naked on my bed
I am so much happy
Every single day
It's not about tomorrow, it's all about


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Оставлен: 08 мая ’2011   11:16
Пусть Вы не богаты, но талантливы!))) Удачи!

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