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Disco romance (Modern system)

МУЗЫКА / Диско, танцевальная / Disco romance (Modern system)
Просмотр работы:
28 июня ’2024   00:49
Просмотров: 624

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Песня в стиле диско

The lights are flashing, the music's loud
Heartbeat pounding, in the dancing crowd
I catch your eye, across the room
Suddenly, the music fills the gloom

We're strangers, yet we feel so close
Like a story, that's about to expose
Our secret desires, beneath the disco ball
A spark ignites, and we're ready to fall

Disco romance, a love in the night
Underneath the strobe, everything feels right
We lose ourselves, in the rhythm and beat
Disco romance, our love is so sweet

Spinning 'round, feeling the heat
Lost in the moment, our bodies meet
No need for words, our bodies speak
A silent language, that's oh so unique

The night is young, the music's still strong
We're lost in this moment, where we belong
A feeling so pure, a love so bright
In the disco haze, we'll dance all night

Disco romance, our love is so sweet
In the disco haze, our hearts will meet
Disco romance, our love is so sweet
Oh, disco romance, disco romance.
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