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love the way you lie

Просмотр работы:
16 июля ’2012   18:41
Просмотров: 22486

Girl with sigarette
Running after bus
Wanna try on taste regret
In the midnight class

Short T-short and whity blooze
She's so hurry up
Girl you've gocha me obused
And so pomped up

I love the way you lie
Hiding your tear
What have we here?
What do you fear?
I love the way you smile
It makes them obused
It makes me amused(x2)

Girl with handy-bag
Steps onto the car
I'll be waiting her come back
In this public bar

Hey, my little muse,
Would you back again?
May I be next guy you choose
To stay in your chaines?

I love the way you lie
Hiding your tear
What have we here?
What do you fear?
I love the way you smile
It makes them obused
It makes me amused(x2)

Girl with the secret
Crying all night long
Hope that our met
Just to us belong

Hey, my little miss
Let us have some play
Lips just had a kiss
Give them more to way....

I love the way you lie
Hiding your tear
What have we here?
What do you fear?
I love the way you smile
It makes them obused
It makes me amused(x2)


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