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Просмотр работы:
28 декабря ’2024   09:20
Просмотров: 48

Lost on the brink,
Just in the clink,
I felt so empty and alone.
In my wildest folly,
I shredded my body.
The chunks created the World!

Escaped from the clink, where I shouldn’t be.
This world exists both within and without me,
As if the world were my reflection, you see!
Where life awakened, is a warped version of me...

And now these weirdos believe,
That I created this realm for them!

Though they mirror me, they're different in kind -
They reflect my essence, yet truth is grim.
In the flow of life and death, all is intertwined...
They are absolutely certain I created them!
Just certain I created them!!!

A realm where I fled from the prison's bind -
This is just my inner world on the outside.
As if it’s the true reflection of who I'm,
Yet the essence lost, the distinctions were wide.

Only now these believers assert,
That my realm was made for them!

Though they mirror me, they're different in kind -
I sincerely, surely, don’t wish to mislead.
In the flow of life and death, all is intertwined...
They pray to me, ‘Grant us what we need…'
Always asking for grace to succeed!

Tried to teach them
But can't amend,
To fix their shattered essence.
Constantly in strife,
For the end of life.
I’ll turn away and resign...

Why do the devouts think,
That I created my realm for them?

Though they mirror me, they're different in kind -
They inevitably destroy all that’s near.
In the flow of life and death, all is intertwined...
I’m not your God! God isn’t here!
I’m just Non-God, is it clear?!?

Still, those zealots claim,
That the realm was made just for them!!!

Though they mirror me, they're different in kind -
They reflect my essence, yet truth is grim.
In the flow of life and death, all is intertwined...
They are absolutely certain I created them!
Just certain I created them!!!

Озвучено suno - https://youtu.be/bRQP-mWBFEs?si=LWTvWNxSahhjQTgJ


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