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Scooter (Informal Game) - How Much is the Fish (How Much is the Gas)

Литература / Тексты песен / Scooter (Informal Game) - How Much is the Fish (How Much is the Gas)
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27 октября ’2022   21:31
Просмотров: 3586

Scooter - How Much is the Fish
Informal Game cover - How Much is the Gas

Result... is better than the game
Transforming the space
We need your support
If you have the bread now
It is a first page
Of the second chapter
I looked at the moon, the winter is soon,
Keep in mind, getting cold to lie on the floor.
I looked at the moon, the winter is soon,
Keep in mind, stamina is poor.
I looked at the moon, the winter is soon,
Keep in mind, getting cold to lie on the floor.
I looked at the moon, the summer is pass,
By the way, how much is the gas?
How much is the gas?
Money here, money here, money here again.

Sunshine in the air!

We are breaking the rules,
Ignore Physics,
You won’t ever stop this,
Result... is better than the game!
I looked at the moon, the winter is soon,
Keep in mind, getting cold to lie on the floor.
I looked at the moon, the winter is soon,
Keep in mind, stamina is poor.
I looked at the moon, the winter is soon,
Keep in mind, getting cold to lie on the floor.
I looked at the moon, better lying in bed.
By the way, how much is the bread?
How much is the bread?


Sunshine in the air!

Come on! Everybody! Come on!
Together! Yeah! Yeah!
How much is the bread?
How much is the bread?
Yeah! Come on... come on!
Argh! Resurrection!


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