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Социальная сеть для творческих людей


Просмотр работы:
12 января ’2014   08:02
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Это - моя первая попытка "высказаться на английском" - вольный самоперевод текстика "Отходняк-блюз" http://www.neizvestniy-geniy.ru/cat/literature/texti/1091888.html

Спасибо моим друзьям из США и Австралии за помощь в переводе )))

When New Year celebration is over
When this crazy hard drinking is over
And all the bottles are desolate
I will gather the remnants of the mind
I’ll gather tiny- tiny shards of my mind
And run away to Japan - to heal my liver
My poor liver,
My hapless liver…

Someday I'll run away to drink green tea
As samurai.
I will sit under the Sakura and drink green tea.
My poor liver,
Don’t cry…
Happy New Year!

But I have so many-many Russian friends,
Who will come to me in January my Russian friends
And will say that booze is not over yet
That they have a holiday called Old New Year,
So that we must celebrate this red!
And once again I’ll begin to cry my poor liver
My hapless liver…
My wretched liver…

Someday I'll run away to drink green tea
As samurai.
I will sit under the Sakura drinking green tea.
My poor liver,
Don’t cry…
Happy New Year!

I shall leave you all and run away to Japan,
To the blessed non-drinkers in Japan
Again, there, I dream I’ll treat my jaded liver.
But even there New Year will catch up to me –
The damn Eastern style New Year
So sad, swimming in sake, will cry my liver
My hapless liver…
My wretched liver…

Someday I'll run away to drink green tea
As samurai.
I will sit under the Sakura and drink green tea.
My poor liver,
Don’t cry…
Happy New Year!


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Оставлен: 12 января ’2014   15:25
Someday I'll run away to drink green tea
Like samurai.
I will sit under the Sakura drinking green tea.
My poor liver,
Don’t cry…
Happy New Year!..
Да замечатиельно)))

Оставлен: 12 января ’2014   15:27
Ну, главное, что повеселила )))

Оставлен: 18 января ’2014   23:36

Оставлен: 18 января ’2014   23:37
Ну я имела в виду - невезучая )))

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