My half jaded heart will no longer respond to the sound
Of whispering raindrops in fall or a train passing by.
I've got brand new wings and I'll try to lose touch with the ground,
To take to my boundless velvet mysterious sky.
I'm fine in my bulletproof shell and I quit endless waiting
Like quitting an old nasty habit and moving ahead,
Exploring the worlds that my own deft mind is creating;
Old passion's extinguished along with one more cigarette.
Whenever I light one, its taste and its bittersweet flavor
Remind me of sharing a kiss I imagined that spring;
If only that time I had been just a little bit braver,
This all would have come to the very same end in a blink.
I'm ready to enter the gates of tomorrow now,
Today is a legend and yesterday - just a mistake.
I'm crossing the line, I will make it all through anyhow,
Just happy to live and to breathe every morning I wake.