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Anomalies of solar system

Литература / Проза / Anomalies of solar system
Просмотр работы:
05 сентября ’2010   16:47
Просмотров: 26498


Vladimir Svetlov
Fracture Physics Department, Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, 194021 St. Petersburg, Russia

This is to discuss some arguments for a virtual interconection between anomaly features in the Solar System and a suprnovae star II explosion that had taken place in the vicinity of it.
As beginning from Kant and Laplace, the researchers attempt to built a model of formation and development of the Solar System (SS) on the ground of the physical laws. Kant based his arguments on the just revealed world gravitation law. Laplace taked into account the laws related to the dynamics of rotation; in addition Laplace has shown that the trends observable in the SS could not emerge as a result of the acion of occasional processes. Nevertheless, up to nowadays, a great part of researchers follow the ideas of Kant and Laplace when suggesting the formation of the SS resulted from random collisional processes in the near-Sun disc. It is hardly believed that billions of bodies have united to diminishingly small number of planets observable, and moreover, so severe trends established. The modern state of the problem is well elucidated in Ref. [1] where the absence of an adequate model of formation and evolving of the SS was stressed.
The observations of molecular clouds

The radio spectroscopy and infraded spectroscopy techniques yielded new opportunities for more detailed study of the structure of cold molecular clouds. There were revealed a hierarchy of turbulence [2] and compact source of maser [3, 4] and infrared [5,6] radiations there.
The data of observation evidence that the formation of planet and satellite systems begins at the stage of molecular clouds. The wave-like motion inside them promotes the formatioin o protoclouds which then isolate themselves and their own development starts.
An individual protoclaud should be regarded as a dissipative unit. When it is collapsing as a whole, a part of the gravitation energy excess is radiated, while other part produce heating. This is accoimpanied with changing some particular parameters.
It is known from the theory of dissipative objects that there occur sometimes bifurcations of intrinsic frequences; when varying a single parameter, the double frequency bifurcation takes place; three-folded frequency bifurcation is induced by varying two and more parameters.
It is resonably to suggest that it is this property of dissipative objects that determines the formation of structures in protoclouds of different scale. Each bifurcation in the mother cloud induces the formation of a derivate cloud which starts it own development.
One shoud expect to find any traces of this process in the structure of the SS.

The structure of solar system

Owing to the astronomic observations and studies performed using space apparatus, the spatial characteristicss and physical parameters of the SS bodies are determined with a great precision. Of course, these data are modified continuously when processing the newest information [7,8].
The researchers have also deteremined some trends in the structure of the SS which one should take into account when constructing the models of its formation and evolving [9]. According to the commonly available data, the structure of the SS is as shown in Fig. 1.
Let us carry out the analysis of the structure in the light of the above mentioned suggestion about bifurcations in order to elucidate some anomalies.
It is seen in Fig. 1 that one can isolate a subsystem that involves the Sun, asteroids, great planets, and four small systems linked to the great planets and their rings and satellites.
It is reasonably to suggest that the orbital periods of planets and satellites were adequate to the period of intrinsic oscillations of protoclouds as at the moment of their condensation. In this case, the ratio between the orbital periods in every isolated system enable to reveal an information about the character of existed bifurcations.
In the large system this ratio would be close to 3 if one positions the Neptune on the Pluto"s orbit. In this case, one could state that at the primary stage of the collapse of the proto-Sun cloud, at least, two parameters had changed, that is the temperature and the mean density. On the other hand, this could be regarded as an anomaly in the observable location of the Neptune.
In the small-scale systems a similar trend is seen: the ratio of revolution periods is close to 3 for far-situated satellites, and it is about 2 for inner ones. This evidences that at the certain stage of the evolution of protoclouds, the variation of the mean density became the prevailing parameter. In addition, the researchers pointed out that the far-situated satellites of great planets are not regular; one can regard this as a kind of anomaly.
It should be noted that the ratio of orbital periods for the planets belonging to the Earth group is also close to 2. Consequently, the mechanism of their formation was similar to that that determined the emerging of inner satellites near great planets. We conclude that it is not correctly to deduce a common relation for the planets" distances since different mechanisms were actuated.
In all isolated systems one could reveal ring-like features. This is more pronounced in the Saturn"s system. It was established that the Saturn"s rings form a thin but wide object but this is not valid for asteroids. It seems justified to regard the asteroid rings as a certain anomaly related to the disturbance of the ring.
Finally, an unambiguous anomaly could be derived from the analysis of the Uranus system. First, the Uranus"s mass is less than that of the Neptune despite its position is closer to the Sun. Second, its rotation axis is in the plane of its orbit. It is of importance that the inner Uranus"s satellites formed in the equatorial plane. This proves the existence of the protocloud which firstly changed its rotation axis, and only then the satellites emerged.
It is worthy to mention some isotopic anomalies in many meteorites.
So, the revealed anomalies allows one to conclude that the SS was forced by the powerful external disturbance at the certain stage of its development. Bearing in mind its dimensions, it is obvious that such the disturbance could be caused only by the high-rate expanding shell produced by the explosion of the supernovae star of the kind II.
On the explosion of the supernovae star

From the analysis of the structure of the SS one can extract, at least, two most recent stages of fragmentation of protoclouds. This allows one to suggest the existence of the larger-scale stage that could be related to the collapse and subsequent evolving of the protocloud with the mass of about 100 Sun masses.
The analytical astrophysics implies a high-rate development of such objects [10]; within a few millions years they explode like the supernovae stars without any residuals, that is all the mass scatters in the form of rapidly moving shell enriched whoes mass distribution is peaked with the heavy elements with the maximum in the range of S, Si and Ca.
It is possible that the proto-Sun cloud was formed as a satellite of such massive object. In this case, the explosion of the supernovae star could really catch the SS at the certain stage of development. We can trace in mind the condition of the SS prior to and after the exploison.
Before the explosion, the protoclouds of great planets had been formed, each of them had two satellites; there were also the asteroid ring and platens of the Earth group before the explosion.
The explosion catched the SS at a certain phase of motion of its bodies. This was considered in more details elsewhere [11]. Now we restrict ourselves only by an indication of a possible relation between the above-mentioned anomalies and the consequences of explosion.
The Neptune"s protocloud moved forward to the shell, then it was braked and approached the Sun. The former Neptune"s satellite Pluto remained in the vicinity of the previous orbit of the Neptune and formed a satellite (Haron).
The Uranus"s protocloud moved normally to the movement of the shell; therefore it has lost a considerable part of its mass and changed its revolution axis.
The asteroid ring has transformed to a belt. Its bodies after a lot of collisions formed a part of observable meteorits with the different isotope composition.
The Jupiter"s protocloud has accelerated and, therefore, moved away from the Sun; its external satellites were destroyed. In addition, its cloud was enriched by the sulfur.
The Saturne"s protocloud was in the shade of the Sun; therefore it was affected to a lesser extent. It seems that it caused the formation of the unique ring system which is lack near other great planets.
So, one can trace a relation between the revealed anomalies in the structure of the SS and as-suggested explosion of the supernovae.

Basing on the supposion that the structure of the planet and satellite systems started to form at the stage of molecular clouds, the structure of the Solar System is analysed. Some anomalies in its structutre were shown and related to suggested explosion of the supernovae star of the kind II.


1. M.M. Woolfson. Evolution of SS. University of York, 2000, 400 ps..
2. R.B. Larson.Rep.Prog. Phys. 66, 1651, 2003.
3. W.T. Sullivan. Astrophys.J. 166, 321, 1971.
4. A.H. Cook. Celestial Masers. Cambridge University Press, 1977.
5. N.J. Evans II and al. ApJ. 433, 131, 1994.
6. P.C. Myers. ApJ. 396, 631, 1992.
7. M.Ya. Marov, A.V. Kolesnichenko. The introduction to the planet aeronomy. Nauka Publishers, Moscow, 1987 (In Russian).
8. Yu.A. Surkov. Space-chemical studies of planets and satellites. Nauka Publishers, Moscow, 1985 (In Russian).
9. A.V. Vityazev, G.V. Pechernikova, V.S. Safronov. The planets of the Earth"s group. Nauka Publishers, Moscow, 1990 (In Russian).
10. The modern problems of the star evolving. Ed. by A.G. Masevich. Nauka Publishers, Moscow, 1989 (In Russian).
11. V.N. Svetlov. On fofmation and evolution of the Solar System. Preprint 1660, Ioffe FTI SPb, 1995.


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