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Progress and regression as temporary stages of development of consciousness through alive

Литература / Мемуары, публицистика / Progress and regression as temporary stages of development of consciousness through alive
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09 марта ’2025   22:13
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Until now, the concepts of progress and regression have been considered, albeit in detail, but the explanation of these phenomena is purely external in nature without disclosing what underlies these phenomena. Therefore, it makes sense to show the informational background of these phenomena using visual examples.

Keywords: Creation, universe, information, time, consciousness, beingness, alive, environment.

If we recall that the concept of progress quite reasonably means development from the lower to the higher with its complication, then it is just as reasonable to ask the question: what is the cause of development from the lower to the higher?
There is no clear answer to this question. And this is not surprising, because the answer is neither in the bed of logic, nor in the processes of observation or experimentation. Attempts to resolve this question axiomatically have also been unsuccessful [1].
So, where should we look for this answer?
The study of the evolution of the Universe from the Big Bang with its obvious complication only points to the inaccuracy of the standard definition of progress as the complication of something, since it lacks the meaning of complication of dead structures, which both become more complex and disintegrate, following the general law of non-decreasing entropy, according to which the same Universe will sooner or later dissipate or collapse.
Therefore, the usual movement and change of dead bodies is not enough to understand the true essence of progress.
It follows that in addition to the dead, or rather the passive, due to its lack of independence, there must be something that needs not only its own complication, but also that it itself, knowingly or not, engages in this complication in a certain direction, not directly connected with the movement of the passive matter.
That is, something active and interested in its own complication is required, not for the sake of this complication, but for something else - its own inscription into own surrounding so that to feel better and more comfortable in it, or, at least, to stay in the stream of sensations.
It is clear that only living beings are capable of this, who do not want their decay and always fight against it, that is, possessing subjectivity in this regard.
In other words, the activity of living beings is aimed at preserving and improving their life in competition with the rest of the living due to the fact that they are always forced to think, because they are not indifferent, unlike other objects of beingness, to their own existence in it.
Thus, progress is possible only as a change towards, to one degree or another, meaningful complication due to dissatisfaction with the existing, which is characteristic only of the living.
This means that without living beings, everything else turns into meaningless circulation.
Therefore, this rotation as a whole acquires meaning only when it becomes an infrastructure for alive, which differs from the passive by its indispensable aspiration to remain in the position of perceiving sensations, not wanting to fall into the emptiness of non-existence, that is, to become dead.
In this struggle for own existence, all forms of living beings, willy-nilly, have to improve in generations, becoming more complex not mechanically, but trying to adapt to own changing surrounding through the most beneficial additions and transformations of their own body, mainly using positive mutations and method of trial and error over time, the course of which is clearly changing for them and because of them, gradually accelerating.
The single-celled organisms appeared on Earth 3.5 billion years ago.
The time interval from the emergence of the single-celled primitive organisms to the formation of more structured organisms in the form of algae had compiled 2.3 billion calendar years.
Animals have appeared about 550 million years ago. Accordingly, the time interval from the appearance of algae to the appearance of the first animals turned out to be shorter – about 650 million calendar years.
The first mammals appeared 220 million calendar years ago. That is, the time interval from the appearance of the first primitive animals to the appearance of complexly organized mammals turned out to be even shorter – about 330 million calendar years.
Thus, it is noticeable that the development of organisms on Earth went with acceleration, that is, the own time of these groups of organisms was being got denser.
If we follow the course of development of the animal world, then we can note the incessant densification of the own time of development from simpler creatures to more complex ones.
In particular, the first mammals appeared 220 million calendar years ago, the first monkeys appeared about 30 million calendar years ago, the first hominids appeared 6 million years ago, first homo sapiens appeared about 200 thousand years ago.
This acceleration, at least, indicates that living beings, residing in astronomical time, along with that have their own time, which fits into the external one – astronomical, or calendar for us. Moreover, it turns out that since this time does not fall on them from somewhere above, they form it involuntarily, also differing in this property from inanimate objects of beingness.
Such strange fact for science, nevertheless, explains, in particular, the very meaning of progress as a process of development of living beings, which is carried out by them involuntarily, but at the same time their independence in the direction of development in their generations means the presence in alive of a certain active and not indifferent component, which, uniting with the passive with a very specific framework, necessarily containing sensor organs that perceive signals from the outside; a system for processing these signals and a development program corresponding to the structure of this formation, that makes this formation capable of forming its own time within the framework of astronomical time.
In this own time, which makes up not only the phases of development of individual populations with the appearance of new species or qualitative changes in existing ones, but also the life time of every living being from birth to death, one can think and act, at a minimum, to keep oneself in this time due to dissatisfaction with the existing, that stimulates aspiration for the best, willy-nilly changing with the possibility of developing in generations, first involuntarily, and then, with the advent of a person, by design and planning, subordinating one's time even more to oneself, but not suspecting it, although from the outside this is visible by the increasingly accelerated course of this time as a result of the actions of human communities within the framework of civilization, that is, in proprietary relations.
This increased greatly acceleration of human communities in comparison with other communities of living beings was first noted by the historian I. M. Dyakonov in 1994: "There is no doubt that historical process shows signs of natural exponential acceleration. From emergence of Homo sapiens until the end of the I phase passed not less than 30 thousand years, II phase lasted about 7 thousand years, III phase - about 2 thousand years, IV phase - about 1.5 thousand, V phase - about one thousand years, VI - about 300, VII phase - a little more than 100 years, duration of VIII phase while it is impossible to determine. Put on the schedule these phases are combined in exponential development which assumes eventually transition to the vertical line or rather, to the point of so-called singularity. Scientific and technical achievements of mankind were being developed according to the exponential schedule likewise …" [2].
Of course, one can evaluate the phases of development of the human communities in different ways, that is, their qualitative change, but it is obvious that since archaic times they have been increasingly shrinking within the framework of astronomical time, or more precisely, they have been compacting, and the time of human development within the framework of civilization has acquired a particularly high degree of compaction. If we complete the graph of I. M. Dyakonov to the vertical line, then the point of the singularity falls on 2022.
It was in this year that particularly serious civilizational cataclysms began, fraught with the collapse of civilization.
These events show the finiteness, or temporariness of progress, that is, the development of humanity from the emergence of civilization with the emergence of property relations and to a certain conditional point - the singularity, when these relations are devalued.
Be that as it may, but from the position of the informational foundation of Creation, realized through alive, the accelerated development of living beings, including the progress of human communities, ending in regression in the form of the collapse of the entire civilization, in our opinion, finds a completely convincing explanation.
First of all, it should be noted that with the emergence of the human communities among the communities of living beings, the compaction of the own time of these human communities has increased sharply, and the apparent reason for this phenomenon is that, in contrast to the purely adaptive behavior of all other living beings,
A person’s program of actions has radically expanded towards his acquiring the ability to set goals and achieve them, using his emerging abilities for creativity, penetrating his ideas into the future, and thereby mastering time, that is, realizing himself in it, whereas the animals are always limited only to the present in the form of sensations.
Only this kind of awareness of oneself in the world of current time in the dimension of one’s short life means the true humanization of a living being, since it leads to the recognition of one’s own existence not only in the world of sensations, but also in the world of ideas, quite harmoniously combining in one face the ability to feel and the ability to know both the world around him and oneself.
The volume of information flows in this case increases sharply, the environment begins to purposefully change under the influence of these new creatures, at the same time changing them themselves at a much faster pace than what happened before.
That is, a person in his communities falls into the field of increasingly increasing information flows that are perceived by his senses, developing both them and the body's control organs, as a result of which, for example, the mass of the human brain has increased several times compared to the mass of the primate brain.
Let us now note how the acceleration of human communities has changed with the emergence of civilization within the framework of the main phases of their development in units of calendar time.
The slave system, which replaced the primitive communal organization of human communities, which took many tens of thousands of years, lasted only several thousand years until the transition to the feudal type of economy.
During the era of feudalism, the development of civilization accelerated even more than during the period of the slave system, taking a little more than a thousand years in Europe.
Capitalism occupied a historical period of several centuries - from the 17th century to the 21st century, accelerating the development of civilization several times compared to feudalism.
Thus, it becomes clear that the acceleration of the human communities' own time is directly related to information flows.
Nevertheless, own time flows implicitly, within the framework of external - open - time, without being recorded by people. Naturally, this type of time, dependent on the activities of people and, accordingly, the expansion of information flows in which they are located, but not explained by official science, which objectifies calendar time, is still officially ignored, despite the above-mentioned facts of acceleration of this type of time, different from the calendar (astronomical).
If time in the process of activity of living beings is an information product, then with the change in the information flows covering a living being or beings, the time of their own life and the periods of life of their genera or species, as well as the phases of existence of human communities that differ qualitatively, changes in accordance with the change in the information flows in which they find themselves, despite the fact that calendar time is still the same running [3].
The above leads to the idea that information is information about the state of material objects that the consciousness of a living being is able to recognize when scanning its surroundings with the means at its disposal. The initiative in this process belongs to the consciousness of any living being, including a person, and not to the objects surrounding it.
Information, or the deciphered data, designations, clarification and etc. are transmitted from the material objects through the material objects, for example, light, to the material objects, for example, to the instruments for the finite perception by consciousness of information. That is, without the material objects, including consciousness itself, information doesn't exist. It arises only in case of the selection by consciousness from the general "noise" of those data which the consciousness is capable to recognize partly instinctively, partly consciously for a person.
In other words, information arises only in consciousness by means of available for it, more precisely, at the carrier of consciousness of organs of senses, but not differently, being the quite material copy of an object or objects, which are available through feelings for consciousness and. which human consciousness can understand. Information can't be qualified as something non-material and independent, as far it is copies of data about objects selected and decrypted by consciousness from the boundless environment surrounding consciousness - some kind of "noise". The consciousness processes these deciphered copies of the fragments of the material objects in particular into images, meanings, emotions which are also the quite material components of consciousness entailing the subsequent actions of the carrier of consciousness. On their basis together with memory he interacts with environmental objects every moment of own "now".
Thus, all interactions of the being having consciousness are carried out in this end-to-end, irreversible process only on condition of arrival in his consciousness of the appropriate portions of information, each of which is processed, falling in a certain duration and consisting a row of sequential moments from the birth to death of the carrier of consciousness.
This information process automatically places a particular living being or the community of living beings in the field of own time, which they do not notice, since this time is located, as it were, inside them, noting only the course of an external calendar time, independent of them, based on the periodic movement of planets and luminaries [4].
It is this obvious current time - astronomical - that is rather trivially recognized by modern scientists as the only one.
These facts of the time compaction in the process of development of living beings indicate that progress is manifested only in the case of expansion of the volume of information flows, which is recorded by the reduction of the corresponding periods (phases of qualitative change) of the development of communities of living beings.
But, as we know, along with progress there is also regression, since progress, in particular, of the human communities, is not eternal.
The scientific interpretation of regression comes down to the fact that in the evolutionary motion, due to the emergence of certain unfavorable conditions, populations change up to their disappearance. The cause of this phenomenon is considered to be the extinction of the ability of organisms to adapt to changes in environmental conditions [5].
Since human communities are also collectives of living beings, they too can fall into conditions unfavorable for their survival.
The most significant of these conditions, except, of course, natural disasters, is an information collapse.
In this case, the volume of incoming information begins to exceed the capabilities of the centers that process it. That is, the human brain, even together with artificial intelligence, is unable to cope with the flow of incoming information, which entails the adoption of wrong decisions, which in the extreme case quickly destroy the entire civilization up to its destruction, for example, if a decision is made to start a nuclear war.
Externally, this situation is reflected in the fact that the "flow" of time for a civilization (its own time) stops (the point of the singularity), which means that its functioning stops, that is, the civilization loses its former quality completely or for a long time.
Along with that, another case of a catastrophic change in the functioning of civilization is possible, during which the information flows entering the system are minimized or completely stopped, that is, the normal functioning of the system is reset to zero, since the course of events initiated by the influx of information for it (its own time) is suppressed.
This kind of situation in technological civilization occurs with the rapid development of computer technology and the emergence of the Internet, which is based in every telephone set. The subscriber can get an answer to virtually any question, which nullifies his thinking apparatus - his own brain. A comparatively rapid degradation of humanity occurs, leading to a halt in the functioning of civilization, since the moronic subjects are no longer able to independently generate information for managing civilization, minimizing the flow of business (significant) information, which is becoming increasingly incomprehensible to them, since they are now only able to press buttons.
Externally, such situation of rejection of the educational information leads to the transition of this civilization into a kind of "sleep" mode with the loss of the sense of time and the destruction of the foundations of civilization, which no one can look after due to the degradation of its members.
Reaching the point of singularity of civilization or falling it into a "sleep" mode with the complete degradation of its members, in these extreme cases converge, since the civilization disintegrates.
The difference may be that when the system-civilization is overloaded with information (the point of singularity), it is destroyed, that is, its own time ends. In place of this system, something else appears, perhaps something similar, and perhaps a system of a different quality.
If, however, at the beginning of a significant decline in business (significant for development) information flows, it is possible to carry out a timely return of the system-organism to the previous information flows, not allowing the civilization to fall into a “sleep” mode, then the system-civilization can return to normal functioning,
Thus, both the state of progress and regression testify to the fact that the living, in the person of its most perfect representative – a person, is nothing more than a tool in the development of consciousness, which flows through communities of living beings, step by step, but endlessly.


1. Lange M. M. Progress. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 2011.
2. Дьяконов И.М. Пути истории. От древнейшего человека до наших дней. КомКнига. Москва. 2007г.
3. Nizovtsev Yu. M. The vicissitudes of beingness (the collection of articles and essays). Section 10. Time, as a manifestation of the process of obtaining information. 22.03.22. Amazon.
4. Nizovtsev Yu. M. Monography “What determines a person's thoughts and actions? Chapter 4. Is continuous development of reason (intellect) infinitely possible? 2024. Litres.ru. Amazon.
5. Кон И. С. Регресс. Философская энциклопедия. Т. 5. Москва. 1967.


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