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Freedom as a product of dissatisfaction of consciousness

Литература / Мемуары, публицистика / Freedom as a product of dissatisfaction of consciousness
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18 августа ’2024   00:04
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It is difficult to dispute the assertion that satisfaction disposes a person to the relaxation and serenity, that is, inactivity. Therefore, there must be something that promotes his activity, and it cannot but be the opposite of satisfaction, namely: dissatisfaction, which, one must assume, prompts him in self-consciousness to change himself in his existence in the conditions of a resisting environment through freedom of the expression in thoughts, feelings and actions.

Keywords: consciousness, dissatisfaction, freedom, reality, information, active, passive, person, creation, destruction.

There is hardly any doubt that the key link of beingness is its creative component - consciousness. There is nothing higher of it in beingness. At the same time, consciousness cannot close in on itself, cannot stand still. If we admit this, then consciousness, as such, disappears. Therefore, consciousness cannot exist without development, but development cannot be without support and does not happen without the flow of time and the influx of information. Therefore, consciousness is not able to do without them, but it also cannot be only in them, that is, in the current beingness, since beingness still needs to be created. Therefore, consciousness as the active has to be both in beingness, i.e., in the current time, and along with that - outside of it, i.e., outside of time.
If we look closely at the reality around us, this is exactly what we observe in beingness.
Indeed, no one has yet succeeded in proving that there is no consciousness in us, and it is unlikely that they will succeed, since without it there is no life. However, there is also clearly no consciousness itself. We do not feel it with our senses. This means that it must also be somewhere else. It turns out that consciousness is in us during our life, and along with that - outside of us, appearing in us at birth and disappearing at the moment of death.
All this indicates that besides beingness with its current time, which is necessary for the development of consciousness, there is also something timeless, and it is difficult to imagine, but from this it does not cease to be outside us, and, nevertheless, with us, since without us it becomes non-existence, but and we are simply not able to manifest ourselves without it, since timeless infinity contains everything potentially, which can be "unfolded," in our view, by an irreversible arrow of time in the present, which for us seems to contain the future and the past, forming, as it were, the current flow of this artificial time, which is related only to alive, since it is being formed by it, on the one hand, for the deployment and, thereby, the manifestation of an infinity out of time in it, and, on the other hand, for the sake of development in this manifestation of the same living and with it - consciousness in it.
In other words, the timeless infinite nothingness manifests itself only in the current time, which is being created by living beings - the alliance of the active (consciousness) and the passive (inanimate matter) - on the basis of information provided by the infinity outside of time, in which everything potentially exists. It follows from this that consciousness (active) for development must have support in the form of the passive, informationally connected with each other, which we observe in any living organism. And from this it follows that outside of time, potentially only the active and the passive are "available in stock", containing information about everything possible in beingness.
Thus, there is no one to advance consciousness except itself. This means that the ability to develop must be embedded in consciousness itself, that is, it must be active, but its activity cannot be locked in itself, since the manifestation of activity requires the current time with finite objects within a certain environment, in the flow of which one can think and act, receiving and transmitting the corresponding information, which is possible only in the current time.
That is, beingness, that by us, in the face of scientists, is equated to the Universe, is in fact nothing more than a manifestation of an infinite timeless nothingness, which potentially “contains” everything
And from all this, only the living beings are capable of extracting the information copies, converting them into finite objects of beingness, and constantly renewing them and themselves.
It is precisely the living beings that are the only ones capable of this, since they are the optimal unification of the active (consciousness) and the passive (structured matter), capable of converting information from a timeless infinity into the current time, which appears to us as the environment, surrounding all living beings, which, in essence, is the infrastructure for the existence and development of alive.
This development for consciousness in alive is not just a complication, it is the acquisition of new qualities in the course of solving emerging problems while updating the existing order of beingness in the process of endless and diverse external manifestations of consciousness in beingness, characterized by the fact that in these manifestations of consciousness in beingness, consciousness through alive can think, feel and act in the current time in the finite material forms, which in his presence turn out to be alive, infinitely, but discretely, remaining itself, nevertheless, in general and in its parts as endless, but changing in this process of its own development through the finite.
The path to new forms in the process of the consciousness development can provide the presence of corresponding states at it, that ensure the production and implementation of the new. The established order prevents this. Therefore, a corresponding "mechanism" is required to change or destroy the old order.
In other words, consciousness must constantly strive to make a room for the new. This corresponds to the state of dissatisfaction of consciousness in the living both with itself and with the surrounding, rooted in the consciousness of any living being unlike inanimate objects, and, in particular, being a stimulus for the conscious striving of consciousness through a person to the new, the unknown.
It turns out that without freeing up the space occupied by previous structures for the new, that is being created by consciousness in alive, consciousness cannot do without. And this suggests that dissatisfaction in alive as an active creation inevitably produces freedom, first in the minimal expression of the liberation from the unnecessary at each stage of development, and then in its manifestation by the living beings choosing one or another in its surrounding from the multitude, and in a person freedom is not being limited only to the choice from what is, but makes him strive for the new, the unknown as a result of the creative efforts of the joint activity of the natural consciousness of a person and his self-consciousness.
Thanks to this, a person is the most effective tool for the development of consciousness.
Generally speaking, we know nothing about consciousness except its external manifestations in living beings, including a person, but consciousness itself does not arise before us directly.
Therefore, one can only guess what it is, but, nevertheless, one thing is clear: consciousness is not capable of existing individually and independently in beingness, since it is fundamentally located outside of time, but with its particles in the living it creates this current time, thereby getting into beingness and alon with that remaining along with that out of time, that is, it has to associate itself with the passive matter in order to ensure its own existence and development as an active one.
Thanks to this alliance, a kind of intermediate state of temporarily merged active and passive is obtained, which acquires finite diverse forms, but only in a single complex of protein molecules, thanks to which each such form, regardless of its complexity, has sensors for the perception and transmission of information in the form of sensory organs, a center for processing this information (the brain in a person) and a program that ensures the possibility of existence, growth, reproduction (copying) and development of this formation, which comes to life in the presence of consciousness and disintegrates with its departure, turning into the passive matter.
It is this state of the living and the dead that we know, but it is impossible to deny that consciousness, the material forms of which are unknown to us, makes the dead alive.
Nevertheless, judging by the indispensable susceptibility of living beings to information, and, moreover, the impossibility of existing without it, consciousness is directly connected with information processes, and they are possible only in the current time, which, naturally, does not appear from nowhere, but arises only as a result of the actions of consciousness in alive.
In other words, alive, in order to ensure its own existence and development, must somehow form the current time.
We can find an analogy to this process in our world, noting that the transformation of the discrete pulse packets of information into a current time picture occurs along the corresponding channel from the transmitter of these pulse signals through the ether up to the television receiver.
That is, it is reasonable to assume that information coming from somewhere in the form of pulsed intermittent signals of ultra-high frequency, not recorded by any devices of our measurement, is nevertheless perceived by the sense organs of every living being and is transformed in the center for processing incoming signals into a continuous picture for this living being, similar to how it happens in a television receiver, but not flatly, but in a three-dimensional picture, thereby creating a changing environment, surrounding this living being, which, depending on the number and functions of the available sensory organs, can differ accordingly for different living beings, which are, nevertheless, in a single environment, the current time of which is being formed by the entire set of living beings of beingness.
You can get acquainted with these processes in more detail, for example, in my work “Everything and Nothingness”. (2016. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru and. Amazon).
In this, a kind of the world of the artificial current time, that is being formed by consciousness in alive in the form of the common time and the own time of each living being, as if inscribed in this common irreversible current time, living beings, including a person, can live, develop and reproduce.
In particular, for a person in his communities, various unpredictable collisions are created, a struggle, clashes, alliances arise not only at the natural level of survival and adaptation of the living organisms, a struggle also arises in the sphere of conscious transformations, waged by te emerging conscious beings, that is, people. Together with them, in the course of development of the appeared society, not only they themselves change, but also their consciousness, merged with each person and moving in the course of their development from one carrier of consciousness to another.
As a result of such alliance of the natural consciousness, inherent in every being, and another part of consciousness inherent only to a person, who is therefore capable of realizing his own presence in time, a kind of "cocktail" of sensations, perceptions, instincts, reflexes, feelings, thoughts, desires, intentions, passions, etc., is being formed.
That is, a personality always unlike anyone is being formed, capable of acting not like an animal or a robot, but as doubting, sensitive, but, be that as it may, a being projecting own actions, capable of learning in communication with its own kind to acquire new knowledge and skills, able to quickly adapt to changing conditions of existence and at the same time consciously and independently change these conditions, able to set and achieve goals, direct, control and correct their actions.
If we admit that information is at the basis of beingness with its current time, then we have to, in turn, pay attention to the fact that information by oneself in the singular does not exist, since it is being appeared only when perceiving data selected from the general information flow. However, a problem immediately arises, consisting in the fact that all objects of the material world, except for living beings, are indifferent to information. In other words, they are capable of reacting to certain influences, like film to light, but they cannot interpret these changes in any way (analyze, structure), turning them into something understandable for themselves, which can be used in one way or another, that is, into information.
Therefore, all objects that can only carry information without knowing about it, to those objects that are able to perceive and use this information, can be designated as the passive, and the latter - the active.
Hence it follows that information can be defined as data about the state of material objects, which are somehow perceived and recognized for subsequent use.
Only living beings are capable of this kind of decoding and use of information, that is, not objects, but subjects of reality, who have the means to extract information, that is, those data that they understand, from own surrounding.
And in order to understand whether you need some data or not, you need to have at least some consideration, that is, to separate the necessary from the unnecessary, at least for own retention in the existing environment.
In other words, information arises only in consciousness, rather, at the carrier of consciousness by means of the sense organs and the data processing center or centers that it has, as well as form-generating abilities, or a list of applications, thanks to which what is needed is separated from what is not needed for a specific living being, but not otherwise/ The information is a completely material copy of an object or objects, recognizable to one degree or another by a living being, accessible through sensations for consciousness, that is, accessible for their subsequent converting inещ a specific surrounding of a living being.
Information cannot be qualified as something immaterial and independent, since it is copies of data about objects from the vast environment, surrounding consciousness, selected and deciphered by consciousness by corresponding means.
Consciousness these decrypted copies of material objects through the corresponding center (centers) are also processing into images, meanings, feelings. They are also completely material components of consciousness, entailing subsequent actions of the carrier of consciousness. On their basis, together with memory, the carrier of consciousness interacts with the surrounding objects every moment of his "present".
Thus, all interactions of the being having consciousness are carried out in this end-to-end, irreversible process only on condition of arrival in his consciousness of the appropriate portions of information, each of which is processed, being laid down in a certain duration, making a row of sequential moments from the birth to death of the carrier of consciousness.
And if all objects, except for living ones, are passive fixers of data from the environment, interaction with which for them is reduced to responding to it by changing their own properties up to decay and emergence in a new quality, however, not chaotically, but according to some rules in current reality, which are being established by scientists, that is, if these inanimate objects do not show any initiative (activity) of their own, then living objects are able, thanks to the appropriate processing of incoming data , to figure out, how the information received can be used, making certain changes into own surrounding for own benefit and changing accordingly their behavior.
Naturally, the living beings first of all want to stay in the information flow that they are able to perceive and comprehend - each at the level of own consciousness, - distinguishing themselves from things, which are not understanding anything by the fact that they use them for own benefit and preservation, competing in this with other living beings.
Therefore, all living beings are active, that is, they use the environment at the instinctive-reflex level of consciousness to maintain themselves in action (nutrition and metabolism), trying to push competitors away from food (domination), including copying themselves in one way or another (reproduction) for further spread in time and space.
Thus, the finiteness of their own existence, which they, except for humans, do not understand, but feel due to the deterioration in the functioning of certain parts of the body, living beings overcome by procreation (transfer of their own genome) by all possible ways, which requires a special growth program and development of both individual and general (generic).
In order to hold oneself in the information flow, which creates for a living being a sense of presence through his senses in the current reality, which is constantly changing, each living being has to fight with similar creatures for a place and food.
Any stop or delay in this struggle for life (sensations) in a changing environment means death, that means disappearance of sensations, which no creature wants to lose.
Therefore, each living being is forced, in order to avoid stagnation, and hence death, to replenish its own database with new information, not being satisfied with the one has.
Hence, it is clear that the basic property of the activity of any living being consists in the dissatisfaction of its consciousness with oneself and the surrounding, transforming into aspiration for a better position, or at least for keeping what this creature has.
In other words, without dissatisfaction it is impossible not only to develop oneself and consume thereby more pleasant and more varied sensations, but also to survive.
Consciousness in every living being realizes itself through the sense organs and data processing centers, coming from the available sensory organs, as well as it realizes itself through a program on a protein carrier in each cell of the body (genome), which partly manifests the form-building abilities of the creature on basic on the organs of sensations and the available intellect.
Thus, the consumption of information flows is limited primarily by the available sense organs and their capabilities.
However, the aspiration to change own situation for the better, that is, in addition to just survival, - to more pleasant sensations, in particular, and through reproduction, and not only by increasing comfort and improving nutrition, is boundless, and always manifests itself, and a natural obstacle to this aspiration is the competition of other organisms with similar aspirations.
As a result, a fairly stable environment of living beings is formed with various niches that make up a certain hierarchy, which, it is true, is continuously updated, but structurally preserved.
Thus, the inescapable striving of each being in its activity for a better position in its own competitive niche of existence can be defined by the term "dissatisfaction", the external expression of which is quite multifaceted, since the activity of a living being cannot be satisfied only with survival and reproduction - it always strives for greater satiety and variety of food, more pleasant external conditions (warmer, safer, more organized).
In other words, the state of dissatisfaction of consciousness with itself in a living being, which is transformed into the development of methods of its own change by influencing the existing beingness taking into account its counteraction, provides any living being with a certain degree of freedom as the realization of its aspirations for the better, expressed in its change of the environment in accordance with the emerging demands and available means.
However, this freedom for all living beings, except a person, is limited to the freedom of choice from what is, without attempts to consciously create new conditions for existence, that is, it is realized only within the framework of one adaptability to the environment. Nevertheless, dissatisfaction of consciousness always requires a greater degree of freedom, that is, greater freedom of choice, which gives a living being more opportunities to obtain more pleasant and varied sensations, which happens in the course of evolution, producing the living beings that are increasingly complex in structure and functions of organs.
As it were, the data coming through the senses, which, after being processed in the corresponding centers of the body, turn into information (understandable reports), may be insufficient or inaccurate to understand the situation, or a living being evaluates them incorrectly, especially since every living being, excluding a person, can only use its genetic and personal experience, its own memory and it is not able to more or less accurately predict and correct its actions, since it does not set itself goals for development and improvement , but it is limited only with adaptation to the environment.
Therefore, all these creatures are forced to act by trial and error, where randomness plays the main role. This is what caused such slow evolutionary development of living beings in comparison with the accelerated motion of the human population in the direction of technological and cultural progress.
Thus, each organism must be inevitably active in relation to obtaining additional and, preferably, new information about the changes taking place, if it strives for survival, and any activity is characterized by dissatisfaction, because constant satisfaction deprives the being of a initiative aspiration towards change both its position and towards own change, that is, the creature becomes passive, indifferent, which is equivalent to death, since in the community of living beings, the loss of the aspiration to change in accordance with the changing environment, that is, the loss of timely adaptation to the environment, means imminent death.
Therefore, the basis of activity is always laid on dissatisfaction with what is available, and this dissatisfaction leads to a permanent and most beneficial adaptation to the environment for the most convenient arrangement in it, both for the most primitive organisms and for a person, and the loss of dissatisfaction means a quick and inevitable death with preceding degradation.
Similar obligatory activity of a living being, in which dissatisfaction with the present is manifested for the sake of a better arrangement in the future, provides an overall ascending change in both the beings themselves and their environment. That is, due to the activity of living beings, the content of flora and fauna, as well as the objects (things) around them, changes, becoming more complex and gaining more and more diversity. In other words, living beings oppose the growth of the entropy of beingness, keeping Creation as a whole in a stable state.
This activity of living beings with all its attributes, the main of which is dissatisfaction, distinguishes them, for example, from computers, since the latter seek and process only the data that their masters need, without understanding their meaning and purpose of the search, thereby acting only according to programs put in them by their masters without asking for anything in return.
If the response of any organism to the impact of the environment can be characterized, respectively, by the greater or lesser persistence of the organism in resisting it, or in other words, by the natural attraction of the creature to the best adaptation to the surrounding in its aspiration to survive and create the most suitable conditions for reproduction and food, that is encoded in the genome, then the awareness of the goal, characteristic of any person, just as the perseverance, in order to avoid the extinction of the aspiration for the intended through various obstacles, creates an effort to overcome obstacles to the goal.
Thus, in the course of striving for a goal, whether it is achieved or not, overcoming obstacles, a person receives a visible development for himself.
In other words, in the process of developing self-consciousness, the most important thing is not the result itself, but the change in self-consciousness that is obtained in the course of moving towards the goal.
As for the essence of the human consciousness, in addition to natural consciousness with its egocentrism, it also has an awareness of itself in time, and this understanding of its own temporal existence pushes it not only toward itself, but also toward its own surrounding, which should not be rejected for own favor, but, on the contrary, it should be attempted to be attracted to its side, putting forward certain universal human value approaches, the consequence of which can be universal happiness and contentment. This is how altruism with all its attributes is produced in society, which becomes a counterweight to egoism both in the consciousness of a person himself and in the collectivist consciousness of the human communities.
Naturally, the dissatisfaction of the consciousness of a person becomes dual, manifesting itself in its egocentric natural consciousness and, to a large extent, altruistic self-awareness.
Therefore, it makes sense to look at dissatisfaction from this side in a little more detail.
It is precisely the striving for pleasant sensations, characteristic of all living beings, that most thinkers in the history of civilization, apparently due to a lack of understanding of the content of human consciousness, has qualified as the aspiration of a person for happiness, but they have missed such feature of a person that distinguishes him from animals as self-consciousness.
Self-consciousness not only radically expands the horizon of events and a person's attitude towards them, but also enters into an incessant struggle with natural consciousness, which does not disappear anywhere from the consciousness of a person, who is mammalian in structure.
The result of the struggle between both forms of consciousness was the rapid development of the human communities, which relatively quickly came to civilization, high technologies and culture in comparison with billions of years of evolutionary development of living nature.
As a matter of fact, the agents of this struggle of both forms of consciousness in a person are dissatisfaction of the natural consciousness in a person and dissatisfaction of his self-consciousness, which most often have opposite aspirations in relation to existence in the environment.
It is this factor that ensures the passionate struggle that occurs when solving various life problems, both in each individual and in human communities.
This is explained by the fact that the dissatisfaction of a person's natural consciousness is guided only towards survival and the striving for the best possible nutrition, reproduction and comfort, which is not least facilitated by the striving for domination. All this really provides a living being with the achievement of the main thing, what is it guided by, more precisely, what does it strive for in the end - pleasant sensations, which are only required from life life on considerations of natural consciousness, and which really contribute to the evolution of organisms.
A look at life from the side of a person's self-consciousness, and, accordingly, his dissatisfaction with life is not limited to the specified set of aspirations dictated by the dissatisfaction of his own natural consciousness.
Human self-consciousness in the qualities of the main guidelines for itself puts happiness, knowledge of oneself and the world around it in the form of finding interesting and beautiful things in everything, searching for truth, and it also always tries to find harmony in life, having saved a person forever from troubles and hardships, which is an enduring delusion self-consciousness.
Therefore, the dissatisfaction of a person's self-consciousness is constantly looking for and finding appropriate means to achieve established benchmarks in the form of will, interest, high intelligence, creative imagination, creativity as the ability to search for unobvious solutions to emerging problems, own memory and experience as well as the databases accumulated by humanity over the foreseeable time.
However, the aspirations of a person in his self-consciousness to the indicated guidelines collide with constant distancing of the indicated guidelines, like the ever-elusive horizon, and partly the natural consciousness opposes these aspirations of self-consciousness, which they only interfere with, distracting the natural consciousness of a person from receiving directly pleasant sensations in the course of life.
Be that as it may, but the dissatisfaction of self-consciousness did not arise out of nowhere.
The aspiration for pleasant sensations for him transformed into a desire for happiness; which is helped, like perseverance in achieving pleasant sensations, by already conscious effort to achieve the set goal - will, as well as imagination, both in abstract and figurative forms. As for prolongation getting sensations beyond life, a person found it in the form of a religion, that promised him both heaven or hell in the afterlife, depending on his behavior.
Natural curiosity as an external manifestation of dissatisfaction of natural consciousness has been turned for self-consciousness into inquisitiveness (intellectual curiosity) and aspiration to the interesting, that is, the new, in particular, - in the aspiration to know oneself and the world around in search of the final truth - clarification of the purpose of one's own existence, which is also promoted by the emerged means for external display of dissatisfaction of self-consciousness - will, interest, high intelligence, abstract and imaginative thinking (imagination), creativity, backed up by accumulated and recorded data in various databases of human civilization.
Many delusions and beliefs, not supported by anything, also distinguish humans from animals, which are not inherent in such stupidity - they use what they have, but a person, considering himself the crown of the creation, mistakenly believes that the future can be turned into the present forever.
However, first let us turn to the interaction of natural consciousness and self-consciousness, since they, as it follows from the above, are present in a person, making up his consciousness as a whole.
Note that the emergence of self-consciousness in a person, which made him a person, partially removed the limitation of subjectivity in him, which forced all living beings only to adapt to the environment.
With the acquisition of self-consciousness, a person, unlike the rest of alive, lastly realized oneself, that is, understood, that he is situated in time, that he is mortal, and therefore life must be used not only to satisfy his own urgent needs, adapting to the environment, but deliberately change this environment at his will in order to obtain other sensations compared to animals in accordance with certain goals that turn him into a subject of action, promoting him to awareness oneself in the form of new considerations, not only in the utilitarian sphere, but in all directions that lend himself to his mind, which makes him by the most free of all living beings.
A person begins to understand the meaning of his actions, drawing up projects and correcting them on the go, that is, while remaining part of the environment, he at the same time rises above it, becoming partly its master and even creator both in various man-made structures, mechanisms, processes, so and in sphere of creations spirit, that is reflected in various areas of art, science and culture.
Such actions change significantly and with acceleration not only the environment, but also the content of self-consciousness of a person, increasing his educational and cultural level, that is, allowing him to become gradually in awareness himself all higher and higher. Therefore, this type of consciousness, which is complementary to the lowest (natural) consciousness, can be qualified as the highest consciousness of the living beings, or self-consciousness, which is inherent only in people.
Thus, in human beings there are two components of consciousness - the lowest, often called unconscious, or subconscious, and the highest consciousness, or self-consciousness. the level of which can differ significantly depending on the degree of development of the person or his communities - take, for example, the person of the Stone Age and the current Nobel laureate, - the level of consciousness and in that and other case significantly other, however self-consciousness is present both here and there, without disappearing anywhere, but the lowest consciousness, which is responsible generally for functioning of an organism (body) to hold it in a live state and to do it by adequate concerning stay of a body in the environment as well as to fix and spread an organism in the environment, remains almost invariable, i.e. almost does not depend on time.
Both these components (hypostases) exist and act in the body and through the body in an indissoluble connection, but the highest consciousness is incapable to exist without the lowest, as the last is responsible for preservation of the living being in the environment - to do without it not possible, while self-consciousness – above all for project and target activity of a person as individually, and in the human communities which are in a certain environment, and other natural beings always do without self-consciousness.
It is these deep entities in the form of the lowest consciousness and highest consciousness, hidden and intertwined in every human consciousness, and, consequently, in the public consciousness, with all their antagonism because of the need to solve various tasks for the most part contradicting each other, really determine development of human communities at any stage.
New projects and ideas develop the mind of a person, his insight, contribute to the most effective manifestation of various abilities during life, lead to the thought of beautifying life, that is, the culture of one's own beingness and beingness of the public.
In a person both these antagonistic in relation to himself and to the surrounding, hypostasis, are merged together. Therefore, they do not manifest themselves separately, but operate in a hidden way, and the degree of their domination depends on the degree of development in a person of the highest consciousness.
And the person himself often cannot predict what in the next moment will become predominant: love or hatred, anger or sympathy, sincerity or hypocrisy, timidity or courage, discretion or recklessness.
The lowest consciousness "feeds" only on the sensations that give it everything, including the harmony of existence, i.e. something acceptable and even pleasant in our understanding in a certain combination of feelings if, of course, to distract from fight of each being for survival. Therefore, it does not wish to lose the sensations at all.
Similar type of consciousness has natural egocentrism, i.e. seeking automatically to survive, no matter what.
In the process of development of the living beings, this type of consciousness undergoes relatively minor changes, since never one of them is not able to withdraw own basic property - an unconscious desire for survival, based on the primordial activity of any living thing.
The highest consciousness which is contained in the person at any level of its development is radical contrast to the lowest consciousness.
In the presence of the highest consciousness in the living being, it begins as though to see the light, becoming not so much "poured" into the environment, how many separated from it, and, so it acquires the opportunity to look at it and on oneself from the outside, to appreciate this relation in attempts to consciously set to oneself goals in mind certain shortcomings in one's own existence, which, in the opinion of this being, could be overcome, and to try to obtain implementation of goals in actions.
All this obviously drops out of an instinctive and reflex sphere of action of the lowest consciousness, and even begins to contradict it as the highest consciousness often neglects utilitarian reasons, chasing something to unattainable, but kind for heart and mind.
Being separated in self-consciousness from the environment, this being, in the course of time, in its development in relationship with the beings, which are like him, begins to feel the need for new forms, different from the primitive communal relations of still wild people, absorbed completely in the struggle for survival. In mutual communication these beings reache such limit that their various conscious aspirations begin to pour into significant changes in the environment, and not just on its use.
From gathering, a person passes to cattle breeding, growing cereals, other forms of economic activity and the corresponding exchange of the labor products. Inequality, ownership, the struggle for the preservation and augmentation of property, for power and et cetera are arising, that in turn requires establishment of some institutions of order in order to avoid chaos - the local states in the bosom of a growing and improving civilization were being formed.
New forms and institutions, on the one hand, ensure the accelerated development of communities already in a structured form, that is, as the states with the bodies of governance, security, courts, etc., and on the other hand, do not allow to the states to fall apart because of the contradictions, invariably tearing-apart the last.
Despite a certain progress in development of the human communities according to development of self-consciousness, the essence of the human consciousness which is expressed in dualism, more precisely, in divergent life-aspirations of the lowest and highest forms of consciousness does not disappear anywhere, and cannot be substantially modified.
Both these parties of consciousness continuously conflict both in the person, and in the interpersonal relations: discontent with, visible inability to change quickly, the felt limitation of intelligence, abilities, etc.; the envy and hatred to competitors instantly would rip to shreds any human community if not the state with its institutes.
Nevertheless, each person manifests also qualities of the highest consciousness which are expressed not only in the intellectual and production sphere, but also in inquisitiveness, various religious and cultural forms and also in the affectional relations, somehow: friendship, love, experiences for relatives, for the fatherland, etc.
If the relationship between people on the basis of self-awareness slowly but steadily develops, then the lowest consciousness in the person remains practically unchanged.
Therefore, the ideal persons do not appear, and the lowest consciousness, despite any form of its disguise, acts at any stage of the development of human consciousness, being expressed in deep-rooted egoism (egocentrism) – personal and corporate, hypocrisy (masking), suspiciousness (caution), contempt for people of other circle (mistrust to other communities), animal instincts concerning an opposite sex, etc.
Thus, the highest consciousness in the course of its growth begins to oppose itself to the lowest consciousness more and more effectively - the struggle between them just distinguishes the person from animals, being manifested at early stages of development is hardly noticeable, and then - all stronger and stronger.
In other words, the growth of self- consciousness, or raising the level of the highest consciousness in the struggle with the lowest consciousness, gradually, but with an acceleration, expands the human sphere of activity, ensuring the permanent development both certain persons in their generations, and the development of their communities.
With the growth of self-awareness and, thus, the increase in the self-sufficiency of civilization, the action of the majority of the above-mentioned natural factors are increasingly leveled, which means that they really manifest themselves as necessary external, but not the fundamental to the human consciousness.
Consequently, the intensive development of communities of the living beings - previously barely noticeable, and the main contribution to which was made by mutations (random changes in the genome) - begins only with the appearance in them of self-consciousness, and accordingly - with its interaction with the lowest (animal) consciousness, which does not disappear anywhere from these living beings. This interaction is expressed practically in incessant fight of these consciousness forms, merged together, as they mostly have opposite aspirations, what was discussed in detail above, i.e. their interaction mainly is expressed in hostility.
It should also be noted that each individual consciousness through a person and human communities itself has to examine in things, comprehending them essence at appropriate levels of knowing in dependence on conditions. This is the main task of consciousness in a person, which he solves in beingness, not just the life that is given to consciousness in any living being. In the solution of this task in the conditions of the resisting environment, i.e. in life, each individual consciousness in a person receives or no receives own development, raising the status in own eyes in the infinite change, altering conditions of own existence.
And in this process, one cannot do without dissatisfaction of self-consciousness by oneself and surrounding, especially since dissatisfaction has the means by which a person in his self-consciousness is able to find himself in the world in search of truth, and even try to find some harmony in life, which again contributes to the development of self-consciousness.
These means are known to everyone - they are will, interest, high intelligence, abstract and imaginative thinking (imagination), creativity as the ability to search for non-obvious solutions to emerging problems, own memory and databases accumulated by mankind during the foreseeable time, and relevant experience.
Of course, they can be defined in different ways, but the result of the work of these means of manifestation of dissatisfaction of self-consciousness of a person is the development of his self-consciousness, which we observe with our own eyes, being able to compare people of different historical eras - from the Neolithic, with the terrifying savagery of people, who have devoured the defeated opponents, to the stage of the emergence of the Internet, when people of different nations get to know each other, understanding and respecting each other, despite the distance and belonging to different peoples.
Freedom for a person, produced by his dissatisfaction with his own surrounding and oneself, is no longer limited to just freedom of choice from what is available.
Since the main difference between a person and other living beings lies in his conscious actions to change the environment and himself for certain purposes or to implement planned projects, he also has, together with already the expanded freedom of choice, the freedom to express his own will, which is capable of being realized even when it is limited circumstances for a person within the framework of the internal freedom, limited only by his own intellectual and sensory resources.
Thus, another task arises for a person, which each person should solve in life is an independent creation of new opportunities for actions which aren't given itself as in the first case, but can be absent, simply. Therefore, the person should most create the situation which is necessary to him, or space for actions according to conceived in order to the project didn't "hover" in consciousness, and was realized.
Actions of consciousness in the similar case could be characterized as creative-destructive. The liberty of actions here already is defined by not available situation, and imaginary: the purpose is set, there are tasks, it is projected actions, identified barriers to them, methods of their overcoming or bypass. Space for this liberty of creative-destructive actions of a person is extremely insignificant. It is determined only by narrow frames of the goal, but the action for achievement of the purpose is initially caused by dissatisfaction of consciousness with itself, considering to itself capable on bigger that requires change of a present order – otherwise goal wouldn't putting - and this dissatisfaction of consciousness stimulates a person all time to aim at one purpose, then at another, etc.
It is curious that, depending on the level of development of consciousness, being put a goal can be the negative (to take away, to ruin, to tease, to mock), and to it is a lot of examples in life, but its achievement helps to the individual consciousness to understand depth of own falling and its reasons, to learn the price of treachery, avarice, egoism, hatred, rage, disrespect for people. The aspiration to purposes of this sort gives the chance to consciousness understanding itself in the attitude towards other people in order to further to overcome feeling of own superiority over others. It, by the way, explains absence of an evil in the world as separate category.
The goal can be and unattainable, but aspiration to it means manifestation of liberty which has been initially put in dissatisfaction of consciousness, or the aspiration to own completeness, to boundless development.
However, mostly, in well-known to us routine life the goals happen, as a rule, small-sized, passing, momentary. But even aspiration to the goals of this sort from a line item of growth and development of consciousness and finding by him of bigger degree of liberty of own expression to outside is unusually valuable that hindrances to the tempting goal force a person to work, in every possible way to contrive for their overcoming, i.e. freeing a way to the scheduled purpose, to liberate, to develop itself. It also is required to consciousness from the resisting environment: struggle, sufferings, disappointments, losses, victories and findings.
Here all complex of the qualities which are available for a person can be manifested: intuition, imagination, memory, abilities, skills, will, character. Generally, everything is used. It is, of course, not liberty over circumstances, and, rater, impulse, conscious aspiration to the local goal, despite hindrances to it. The similar aspiration doesn't do the human by wise and immortal, but allows to use to him all own best qualities and most to define the goals of the life himself that introduces sense in his life and in his consciousness - development.
Thus, the conscious aspiration to a goal is supported by special "mechanism" - will which, integrating in itself natural and genetic inclinations of the individual, results of education, trainings, conscious installations to the direction of move, the plan of actions, creates tension, effort for achievement of a goal.
Will helps to be implemented of projects of consciousness, without leaving them only in imagination or on paper.
Conscious choice of goals, ensuring their achievement willed stress causes not only the need in the presence of the base for this process in the form of knowledge, memory, attitudes, intentions, desires, and so on., but also - necessity of formation of the space for actions which isn't occupied by the existing structures arranged by known rules and intended for the decision other tasks, and therefore not helping, but hindering implementation of new projects.
In other words, development demands cleaning of the territory from hindrances for forward move.
However, function of will includes overcoming of hindrances on a way to the goal, instead of planning of this path with a minimum of hindrances to making of the necessary maneuver conceived by consciousness and being brought up to the purpose by effort of will, inducing the person to aim to achievement of the purpose.
But what or who can scan a field of actions, can change and outline methods of demolition of the existing order hindering action?
Such "tool" is ability of consciousness in the form of self-consciousness after the creation of the project and determination of the goal to pass into another state, so to speak, from the state of the creative speculation to pass into the state of an assessment of methods of achievement of the goal earlier set and determination of ways of overcoming of found hindrances, i.e. to promote to the liberation of the path to the goal for will which without similar "reconnaissance" becomes powerless.
Consciousness in the form of self-consciousness scans by means of the sensors-feelings space of alleged actions, on the basis of assembled information, memory and experience determines the hindrances to achievement of a goal, finds possibilities of their bypass or overcoming or elimination and, further, launches to will as conscious aspiration of a person to a goal. In the limit case when hindrances seem to consciousness as insuperable, but the problem should be solved by all means, it passes to an assessment of demolition of hindrances at any cost. And here everything depends on existing level of consciousness of the individual. If this level is enough high, then the instinct of a survival will be overcome by self-consciousness, and the person either will win, or he will perish.
This ability of consciousness, more precisely, corresponding state of self-consciousness, unlike will which is only influenced self-consciousness partially, to create the diagram of destruction of this or that order for promotion of the project with the help of will to the goal, without allowing chaos and, thereby, promoting receiving something new and, so - to own development, is freedom in the relation to the reality.
Thus, freedom in the material world manifests itself in its highest expression as a state of self-consciousness, which provide the space for the implementation of own latent ideas even if these ideas have not a direct bearing on the reality. Hindrances do not exist for such freedom, it is not limited by the choice out of available, it looks for new lacunas for implementation, perhaps, absolutely delusional ideas of self-consciousness and rater the carrier of consciousness will perish, rather than the "mechanism" of the liberation of a path by consciousness together with will for search of something new ceases to work.
In this regard the freedom is invincible and absolute. And it is clear: development of consciousness is unstoppable.
On the other hand, the level of the natural human consciousness and the level of self-consciousness of a person can fluctuate from the lowest to the unusually high. Respectively and of freedom can possess by set of facets: from a pathetic choice out of something absolutely insignificant up to almost complete domination over vital circumstances.
Freedom can be closed on time in itself, into the "internal space" of self-consciousness in case of feeble consciousness if it doesn't see in this moment of ways for development, and can give a command to a person in case of his strong spirit to advance to the attack regardless of obstacles without any hope for a victory, without wishing to live in darkness of unacceptable circumstances. This property, by the way, was called the passionarity, and introduced this term L. N. Gumilev.
However, an explanation for such seemingly unreasonable the human behavior, unlike what was said above, was not given to them (see, for example., “The driving force and source of development of the person and his communities.” 2018. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru. Amazon. Yury Nizovtsev).
The concept of freedom in this context means process of determination by consciousness of the space which is necessary for implementation of the project, conceived by consciousness in a state of speculations. Process consists in estimate of opportunities of the solution of the task and in search of ways of achievement of a goal within a certain space of actions.
Space for implementation of the project and making of corresponding actions can be different that defines a degree of manifestation of liberty – from caressing if difficulties are insignificant, up to all-destroying if they seem insuperable.
Freedom as the product of an initial dissatisfaction of consciousness by itself doesn't disappear anywhere but only changes own approaches to the solution of appearing tasks, attracting other people or changing the direction of move. The main thing for this state of consciousness is not receiving result, but process itself, during which the new and unknown is being found. By the way, reading books, consuming of any other information is the same process of satisfaction of insatiable aspiration of consciousness to the new, not necessarily coming to the end with specific result, but giving to him food for thought.
Thus, in structure of consciousness in the relation to the human activity freedom is the state which is responsible for a finding of "breaches" in a settled order, and in case of their absence – responsible for development of diagrams of elimination of existing hindrances on a path to the scheduled purpose which overcoming is promoted by the effort by will inducing a person to act in the given direction. The project itself, or idea can't be brought to implementation without incentive power of will.
Therefore, in this, so to speak, the "production" sphere consciousness in the form of freedom, produced by dissatisfaction, appears, as a rule, as the virtual destructor for creation of possibility of the implementation of the project, created by it.
Freedom in the human relations as a state of consciousness often loses rigidness. A person in this state of consciousness hesitates, selects, tries to agree in a tangle of contradictory forces and goes on compromises. The matter is that, practically, there is nothing to select in antagonistic society: any choice – a road to nowhere Therefore liberty as a state of consciousness here can be expressed only in ignoring of an existing order in favor of disinterested service to people. And it, as we know, doesn't promise any material benefits. There are few sincere impulses of this kind, but only this path reflects the true degree of the human freedom and leads to an increase in the level of consciousness.
All this means very slow, step-by-step, but inevitable extension of space of freedom at consciousness in the world which is resisted to it: consciousness in a person eventually ceases paying attention to conditionalities of beingness, its temptations, own diseases, death of own body, thereby expanding itself and passing into another state.
It also is true meaning of the life of consciousness in a person and together with a person.
The internal freedom, i.e. possibility of internal development always remains in consciousness, in any conditions. The level of this liberty depends generally from aforetime stages of development of consciousness, experience of former lives and, partly, from information influx from outside. More perfect and potentially more free consciousness always contradicts the imperfect outside world though they and mutually supplement each other.
Therefore, this state of the consciousness which always is not satisfied itself, finds a support for move, developments not only in itself, but also in the surrounding which consists not only out of the nature, but also of other people, changing all congestive, seeking to destruction of an existing order.
That is, the peak of the manifestation of freedom of consciousness in a person is the inner freedom, unlimited except for the "volume" of the inner world of a person, reflected in his thoughts and feelings.
From all of the above it follows that freedom is an inexhaustible product of activity, its inevitable consequence, it manifests itself in human actions as a state of dissatisfaction of his consciousness with itself, which is transformed into the development of methods of self-change deliberately by influencing the existing beingness, taking into account its counteraction.


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