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Why nationalism always wins over internationalism

Литература / Мемуары, публицистика / Why nationalism always wins over internationalism
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16 июня ’2024   00:04
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Throughout the existence of civilization, inequality has dominated in it, partly reflected in the separateness of individual tribes and ethnic groups, which later produced nationalism, but at the same time, the best representatives of humanity have always dreamed of equality in all respects, which was reflected in their desire to eliminate discrimination against the individual peoples, but all their dreams, despite the continuous struggle of the oppressed with the oppressors, remained in vain.

Key words: person, people, consciousness, information, civilization, nationalism, internationalism.

As you know, the term "nationalism" comes from the term "natio" (tribe, people). The latter means the commonality of a group of individuals in a certain territory, connections between them of various kinds, in which certain means of communication are used, some traditions, characteristic features caused by location, climate, more or less aggressive neighbors, beliefs of one kind or another.
Since these characteristics of communities always differ more or less, nationalism implies the specialness of a given community, which can be compared with other known communities, preferably in own favor.
What is the difference between, for example, a troop of monkeys and a human tribe, if the former are characterized by the same things, even beliefs, since they are always afraid of what they do not understand and try to evade it?
It is also natural that a troop of monkeys always tries to protect its habitat with the means available to it, and is afraid of its neighbors, who may be ready to push their troop out of their usual places.
What then, do monkeys also have a kind of nationalism?
Of course, there is, but by analogy it can be called the gregariousness, meaning, at a minimum, the protection of one’s place of residence and, at a maximum, the seizure of new territories due to the instinctive self-centeredness of themselves, rejecting, as a rule, neighbors who interfere with life.
In turn, the term “internationalism” comes from the terms “inter” (between) and “natio” (people), implying one or another form of cooperation, which is also characteristic of many communities of living beings that benefit from such cooperation, for example, collaboration between the sharks and the fishes-clingers.
Let us note that egocentrism, the external expression of which is the gregariousness, characteristic by the aspiration for the survival of the pack, reproduction and improvement of its existence, significantly prevails over cooperation, which is of a nature subordinate to egocentrism, being only an auxiliary means for the sake of survival and achieving certain advantages.
This means that these definitions miss the main thing that distinguishes communities of people from communities of other living beings, and this something aggravates the specialness and degree of cooperation of communities of people so much that nationalism leads them to permanent and destructive wars, and internationalism tries to tame nationalism by all possible means, but unsuccessfully, as the entire history of modern civilization shows.
In our opinion, this main difference between human communities and other communities lies in the destructive-creative essence of the actions of the former, which consciously change their surroundings to achieve their own goals, not always utilitarian, guided, however, primarily by group egocentrism, to which is added and the awareness of one’s own specialness, but only mixed up with the adaptive nature of activity inherited from primates, characteristic of all other living beings.
In other words, in the human communities, excluding some of them over the past few hundred years, the collectivist consciousness, including egocentric natural consciousness and the selfish component of self-consciousness, prevailed over both the altruistic component of self-consciousness and its individualistic component of the animal part of consciousness.
Moreover, voluntary consent to cooperation is determined by the possibility of strengthening one’s own specialness, as a rule, of one of the parties. Otherwise, “internationalism” in the form, for example, of globalism, is achieved by deception in combination with force, which, for example, Napoleon spoke about, emphasizing that he was seizing the countries of Europe solely for the sake of establishing eternal peace in it.
Thus, the nationalism and internationalism are the external expression of the collectivist consciousness of each community, which, like the consciousness of any person, is dual, being the heritage of primates, on the one hand (the animal component of consciousness), and, on the other, being a newly acquired property of awareness of oneself in the world of the current time, which can be changed to a certain extent in one’s favor during the existence of the community.
Naturally, these forms of consciousness must have a source, which, in turn, must also rely on something.
Such support for all living beings is the information flow.
Information can be defined as data about the state of material objects, which are somehow perceived and recognized for subsequent use.
Only living beings are capable of this kind of decoding and use of information, that is, not objects, but subjects of reality, who have the means to extract information, that is, those data that they understand, from own surrounding.
And in order to understand whether you need some data or not, you need to have at least some consideration, that is, to separate the necessary from the unnecessary, at least for own retention in the existing environment.
In other words, information arises only in consciousness, more precisely, through the carrier of consciousness by means of the senses and the center or centers of data processing, as well as form-building abilities, but not otherwise, being recognized in one way or another by a living being by a material copy of an object or objects, accessible through sensations to consciousness, that is, available for their subsequent transforming into a specific environment around of a living being.
Information cannot be qualified as something immaterial and independent, since it is copies of data about objects from the vast environment, surrounding consciousness, selected and deciphered by consciousness by corresponding means.
Consciousness these decrypted copies of material objects through the corresponding center (centers) are also processing into images, meanings, feelings. They are also completely material components of consciousness, entailing subsequent actions of the carrier of consciousness. On their basis, together with memory, the carrier of consciousness interacts with the surrounding objects every moment of his "present".
Thus, all interactions of the being having consciousness are carried out in this end-to-end, irreversible process only on condition of arrival in his consciousness of the appropriate portions of information, each of which is processed, being laid down in a certain duration, making a row of sequential moments from the birth to death of the carrier of consciousness.
And if all objects, except for living ones, are passive fixers of data from the environment, interaction with which for them is reduced to responding to it by changing their own properties up to decay and emergence in a new quality, however, not chaotically, but according to some rules in current reality, which are being established by scientists, that is, if these inanimate objects do not show any initiative (activity) of their own, then living objects are able, thanks to the appropriate processing of incoming data , to figure out, how the information received can be used, making certain changes into own surrounding for own benefit and changing accordingly their behavior.
Naturally, living beings first of all want to stay in the information flow that they are able to perceive and comprehend - each at the level of own consciousness, - distinguishing themselves from things, which are not understanding anything by the fact that they use them for own benefit and preservation, competing in this with other living beings.
Therefore, all living beings are active, that is, they use the environment at the instinctive-reflex level of consciousness to maintain themselves in action (nutrition and metabolism), trying to push competitors away from food (domination), including copying themselves in one way or another (reproduction) for further spread in time and space.
Thus, the finiteness of their own existence, which they, except for humans, do not understand, but feel due to the deterioration in the functioning of certain parts of the body, living beings overcome by procreation (transfer of their own genome) by all possible ways, which requires a special growth program and development of both individual and general (generic).
In order to hold oneself in the information flow, which creates for a living being a sense of presence through his senses in the current reality, which is constantly changing, each living being has to fight with similar creatures for a place and food.
Any stop or delay in this struggle for life (sensations) in a changing environment means death, that means disappearance of sensations, which no creature wants to lose.
Therefore, each living creature is forced, in order to avoid stagnation, and hence death, to replenish its own database with new information, not being satisfied with the one has.
Hence, it is clear that the basic property of the activity of any living being consists in the dissatisfaction of its consciousness with oneself and the surrounding, transforming into aspiration for a better position, or at least for keeping what this creature has.
In other words, without dissatisfaction it is impossible not only to develop oneself and consume thereby more pleasant and more varied sensations, but also to survive.
Consciousness in every living being realizes itself through the sense organs and data processing centers (intellect), coming from the available sensory organs, as well as it realizes itself through a program on a protein carrier in each cell of the body (genome), which partly manifests the form-building abilities of the being on basic of the organs of sensations and the available intellect.
Thus, the consumption of information flows is limited primarily by the available sense organs and their capabilities.
However, the aspiration to change own situation for the better, that is, in addition to just survival, - to more pleasant sensations, in particular, and through reproduction, and not only by increasing comfort and improving nutrition, is boundless, and always manifests itself, and a natural obstacle to this aspiration is the competition of other organisms with similar aspirations.
As a result, a fairly stable environment of living beings is formed with various niches that make up a certain hierarchy, which, it is true, is continuously updated, but structurally preserved.
By doing so, the inescapable striving of each being in its activity for a better position in own competitive niche of existence can be defined by the term "dissatisfaction", the external expression of which is quite multifaceted, since the activity of a living being cannot be satisfied only with survival and reproduction - it always strives for greater satiety and a variety of food, more pleasant external conditions (warmer, safer, more organized).
In particular, one of the external reflections of the dissatisfaction of the consciousness of the human communities is nationalism, which requires emphasizing the specialness own community, as well as, as appropriate opportunities arise, occupying a more advantageous position in the existing structure of society.
In other words, the state of dissatisfaction of consciousness with oneself both in quality of an individual living being and a community of living beings, which is expressed into the development of ways of one’s own change by influencing existing beingness, taking into account its counteraction, provides them with one or another degree of liberty as the realization of aspirations for the better, expressed in changing the environment in accordance with emerging demands using the available means.
That is, the dissatisfaction of consciousness always requires a greater degree of liberty, which gives for the living being more opportunities to receive the most pleasant and varied sensations.
Let's see what means can be used by the dissatisfaction of a creature's consciousness to improve its own existence, taking into account that the framework of this improvement is limited only by survival, nutrition, reproduction, comfort, and also by the fact that contributes pushing rivals away from all this (domination).
For example, if we turn to such not quite primitive creatures like animals, then these means that their dissatisfaction can use can be quite diverse.
Some of given means, directly contributing to survival and domination, cannot be eliminated from consciousness - this is egocentricity, aggressiveness, the aspiration to destroy an opponent, to seize his territory. At this, for greater efficiency these means are combined in many cases with the cooperation of living beings. for example, in the form of colonies or flocks.
Here liberty is won by suppressing rivals.
However, as we know, everything is not so unambiguous in nature. For example, ants do not destroy, but use aphids for additional nutrition.
In addition, a living being can improve his existence by looking for a prospect for a more profitable, and therefore pleasant existence in a more or less distant future.
Therefore, dissatisfaction can try to realize itself through the information processing center (the brain in mammals), which in sufficiently developed animals is capable of forming virtual images of certain objects, sorting and retrieving them on the basis of events that have already passed and stored in memory, thanks to which these animals, for example, are capable of anticipate danger and can avoid it.
In particular, wild livestock gathers in a herd, reducing the threat of predators' attacks to a minimum, female birds at a certain time begin to build nests, people prepare for the onset of cold weather, assessing their own possibilities for keeping warm in their homes, etc.
In this view of a more or less distant future, the dissatisfaction of every sufficiently developed being is already able, through the intellect of its own carrier, to materialize information mentally-figuratively for an imaginary exit from the present into the future, using for this the reserves of his own memory, as a result of which its chances of avoiding stagnation or death are significantly increased.
Thus, the main role in the informational contour of the representation of the future in sufficiently developed beings can be played by imagination, which manifests itself not as a "dense" reality (being), but as a "thin" matter - virtual reality - in a number of images that are based on knowledge of past events.
True, the creation of images of the future in animals is always configured in accordance with the program of their own genome only for adaptability in relation to the environment.
However, the data coming through the senses, which, after being processed in the corresponding centers of the body, turn into information (understandable reports), may be insufficient or inaccurate to understand the situation, or a living being evaluates them incorrectly, especially since every living being, excluding a person, can only use its genetic and personal experience, its own memory and it is not able to more or less accurately predict and correct its actions, since it does not set itself goals for development and improvement , but it is limited only with adaptation to the environment.
Therefore, all these beings are forced to act by trial and error, where randomness plays the main role. This is what caused such slow evolutionary development of living beings in comparison with the accelerated motion of the human population in the direction of technological and cultural progress.
That is, the dissatisfaction of the beings of the natural world always encounters mistakes in its striving for more pleasant, but overcomes them in generations not only due to the desire for the most comfortable arrangement in its habitat niche, not only due to the accumulation of genetic and personal experience, but also due to manifestation of their ability to constantly turn to new things in the form of to pry, supporting this aspiration with their perseverance in accordance with the resistance of the environment.
The very survival of any organism depends on the quality of the information received in a changing environment.
Therefore, satisfaction with the present, leading practically to unwillingness to seek and consume new information, ultimately leads to the displacement of this organism from the niche it occupies, degradation, and, as a result, to death.
But every organism wants to survive, since it has appeared and began to receive sensations, and not the emptiness of nothingness. This means that this organism should not be satisfied with what is, but strive for something else, which can help it not only hold oneself in existence, but can also help improve this existence, having made life more hearty, comfortable and safe, which associated with the pleasant.
Thus, each organism must be inevitably active in relation to obtaining additional and, preferably, new information about the changes taking place, if it strives for survival, and any activity is characterized by dissatisfaction, because constant satisfaction deprives the being of a initiative aspiration towards change both its position and towards own change, that is, the creature becomes passive, indifferent, which is equivalent to death, since in the community of living beings, the loss of the aspiration to change in accordance with the changing environment, that is, the loss of timely adaptation to the environment, means the imminent death.
The same applies to all human communities, since their collectivist consciousness is not only just as constructive in its activity, but it has been also complemented by a conscious desire to change their own environment for themselves in such a way as to strengthen the activity of their own community for the sake of its special prosperity.
At the same time, the strengthening of individual communities, as well as the emergence of supranational structures, causes the opposite effect - the manifestation in them of excessive dissatisfaction, which is already aiming at world domination or globalization, outwardly expressed in internationalism, that is, the actual subordination of all other communities in the form of states.
Everyone knows such attempts, starting with the expansion of Alexander the Great and ending with the intention of the current supranational oligarchy to subjugate the world by digitizing the population and reducing it many times to save the planet's resources, that is, to make relatively free people, in fact, as the obedient insects, lowering them to a level below the animal.
Naturally, all these attempts have failed or will fail due to such root causes as the predominance in all human communities of the egocentricity of their collectivist animal consciousness and their collectivist self-consciousness, counteracting the selfish component of the self-consciousness of an individual person or group of people, which prevents the manifestation of dissatisfaction of individual human communities, plunging them into stagnation, which leads them to biological death. In the extreme case, that is, with the persistence of one or other parties, their mutual destruction will occur by means known to all of us.
In addition to what has been noted, it also makes sense to pay attention to the following.
As mentioned above, the activity of living beings is always based on the dissatisfaction with the existing, and this dissatisfaction leads to a permanent and most beneficial adaptation to the environment for the most convenient arrangement in it, both for the most primitive organisms and for humans, and the loss of dissatisfaction means a quick and inevitable death with preceding degradation.
This aspiration for survival and, if possible, for the most pleasant sensations in every organism must be maintained so as it did not fade away.
And this instinctive support is being conditioned by the unchanged activity of a living being, which increases with the deterioration of his position, that is, with the growth of the subconscious dissatisfaction of his consciousness with oneself and with the situation, and weakening with the improvement of the position of the being when the situation is restored or improved - a kind of the negative feedback of consciousness with the environment, directly expressed in its dissatisfaction with the current situation, which gives the command to the existing "mechanisms" of an organism through intellect to strengthen the counteraction to the negative impacts of the environment during this period. Although feedback can turn into positive with insufficient counteraction from the environment to organisms, which in particular can be traced by the uncontrolled reproduction of a number of algae in the absence of enemies, eating them.
The instinctive effort, which compels a living being to act in accordance with its desires, could be called the subconscious perseverance or tenacity, since it does not allow the action to fade out before it ends.
Thus, similar feedback (response) to the impact of the environment can be characterized, respectively, by bigger or smaller subconscious perseverance or tenacity of an organism in resisting this environment, or in other words - by the natural subconscious steady attraction of any being to the best adaptation towards the environment in its aspiration for the survival and the creation of the more appropriate conditions for reproduction and feeding, that is encoded in the genome.
Therefore, with change of conditions the being automatically tries to change not for the worse thanks to usual own activity, following the ability to absorb and issue information within the program of growth, development, reproduction and the actions corresponding to them coded in its genome, what do mutations in the genome contribute to, although, on the other hand, their role as randomness can be disastrous.
In addition to subconscious persistence, which supports the organism's aspiration for pleasant sensations, for more developed organisms that already understand the difference in the quality of food and the characteristics of objects of the opposite sex, such external expression of dissatisfaction of consciousness is characteristic as the desire for something new in the form of to pry.
The cat-female often turns away from quite edible, but tasteless fish, having learned to pry at one time that fresh meat is much tastier. The same curiosity in combination with instincts of reproduction and experience helps it to choose from half a dozen male cats most suitable for reproductive characteristics.
Thus, to pry helps to live more pleasantly and more comfortably, to breed more effectively, and thus occupy a higher position in one’s own niche of existence. This property of the dissatisfaction of the natural consciousness does not bypass a person, as, in part, a representative of the animal world.
That is, the dissatisfaction of the natural consciousness of all living beings, including similar dissatisfaction of a person, as a rule, is aimed at what seems to him the best, which is determined by the available intellect, and which differs from the previous by more pleasant sensations - this best is represented for a person as pleasure, but not satisfaction, which is just a pause before striving for new pleasures.
Similar obligatory activity of a living being, in which dissatisfaction with the present is manifested for the sake of a better arrangement in the future, provides an overall upward change in both the creatures themselves and their environment. That is, due to the activity of living beings, the content of flora and fauna, as well as the objects (things) around them, changes, becoming more complex and gaining more and more diversity. In other words, living beings oppose the growth of the entropy of Creation, which, if you look at it from this side, cannot exist without them in a stable state.
This activity of living beings with all its attributes, the main of which is dissatisfaction, distinguishes them, for example, from computers, since the latter seek and process only the data that their masters need, without understanding their meaning and purpose of the search, thereby acting only according to programs put in them by their masters without asking for anything in return.
In conclusion, we note that the activity of living beings, supported by their dissatisfaction in a competitive environment, is generally aimed at their development and improvement, the limit of which is a person in his communities.
However, a person is nothing more than a limited being in his final biological form, and this limitation cannot be changed by any technical means, for example, artificial intelligence.
Therefore, every human civilization inevitably disintegrates when there is a discrepancy between the capabilities of the human brain, through which final decisions are made, and the various information flows that overwhelm it, which a person oneself caused, and they hit him.


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