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Science as a factor in the development and destruction of civilization

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Nizovtsev Yu.


Science as a factor in the development and destruction of civilization


Science is generally spoken of only in a positive way, but it cannot but have a negative impact on society. Therefore, in this work, precisely its negative features are noted and justified, and it is also indicated what these features lead to in the end.

Key words: science, person, consciousness, civilization, internet, brain, time, information, creativity.

Science is by no means only a collection of knowledge and skills. Science, first of all, is a specialized analysis, selection, systematization and dissemination of the current information, as well as the information already available in the relevant databases.
Science covers all branches and areas of technology and culture. In addition, she addresses the problems of cognition of the surrounding reality, discovering and formulating the laws of beingness.

The value of science lies in the fact that it allows any person, with sufficient preparation, to use the accumulated knowledge and methods to deepen and expand them, and even more so - to use its fruits.
Nevertheless, science has a number of limitations, namely: it means nothing without relying on past knowledge; science also depends on current realities without the right to break away from them, since discoveries and inventions that have nothing to do with the current time do not find application and are forgotten; science is not able to go beyond the sensations and thinking abilities given to a person, in spite of the most modern computers, microscopes, telescopes and other instruments and apparatus; science requires appropriate funding for its development, thereby depending on the authorities and being basically obedient to them, despite the frequent immorality of decisions of the power structures in the use of new technologies.
Confirmation of the thesis about the dependence of science on the current time is the invention of the turbine in ancient times, as well as a number of inventions of Archimedes, which did not find the application.
Science is incapable of providing a person with new sensations and expanding the capabilities of his brain towards creative abilities, which depend mainly on a random combination of certain parts of the brain.
The most recent example of the dependence of science on the authorities manifessts in the attitude of medicine to the treatment of coronavirus influenza (covid). Unlike microorganisms that cause diseases such as smallpox or measles, influenza viruses, which are quite simple in their genome, constantly mutate in the struggle among themselves for penetration into clients' cells. Therefore, who if not doctors, who are well aware of this, should give priority in the treatment of influenza not to vaccines that are tuned to one type of virus strain, but to drugs, which in general was happening before the appearance of covid in 2019, which is a type of viral flu. However, doctors of all countries amicably, with rare exceptions, rushed to treat the covid with vaccines completely unprepared for this version of influenza, that is, practically useless, and in the future harmful in consequences, but beneficial for the authorities for a number of political reasons, as if forgetting about the available drugs, as well as the development of more effective drugs, except vaccines
As many people guess from their own experience, you can avoid bringing your own body to diseases, at least such simple ones as influenza and other respiratory diseases associated with the transfer of microorganisms by airborne droplets, mainly to the mucous membranes.
The author has been engaged in the prevention of these diseases for more than 15 years and had the flu only a few times during this time, and even then only because he was several times too lazy to carry out this prevention.
Such prevention of viral and bacterial diseases in local (home or office) conditions is simple and effective.
It is necessary after contacts with someone, that is, at least twice a day for retirees, and for those who work - several times a day, carry out the following simple manipulations, which take no more than 30 seconds.
You must first pour water (200 ml) into a glass, throw a half spoonful of the table salt (NaCl) into the water, stir, take a little of this solution into your mouth, tilt your head back and create a turbulent layer of liquid in your throat for 20 seconds and then spit out this liquid. Thus, you rinse the mucous membrane of the pharynx, washing away viruses and bacteria that have got there. Further, pouring out a little solution from a glass into a shallow saucer, it is necessary, by lowering a finger or cotton swab there, to wipe the mucous membrane (eyelids) of each eye a couple of times, and then lowering each nostril successively into the liquid in the saucer, pass the solution back and forth several times and blow your nose.
This procedure takes no more than 30 seconds, costs nothing in monetary terms, but you cannot be lazy. However, you will not need expensive medicines, hospitals, doctors, vaccinations and other worries, that is, you will not fall into the hands of doctors, since the highest mortality rate from covid is observed precisely in hospitals.
In this way, it can be stated that science, represented by its most important branch - medicine, has disdained the humane considerations for the sake of political considerations, clearly demonstrating its true face.
However, earlier, about the same thing happened with the study of the fission of the atomic nucleus, the fruits of which turned into a deadly nuclear weapon, and the Internet turned computer networks into the basis for artificial intelligence, which instantly crossed out the creativity of the population and stole working time from it, throwing it to the sidelines of idleness.
However, the main feature of science is that it contributes to building a technological civilization, that is, a civilization dependent on the emergence and development of technologies.
It is technology in its progress that accelerates the own time of any technological civilization.
For example, the almost unchanged way of life of the Stone Age lasted for many millennia, while the subsequent era of slavery turned out to be several times shorter. The domination of capitalism turned out to be even shorter.
In 1994, historian I. M. Diakonov drew attention to the decreasing exponentially historical cycles: "There is no doubt that historical process shows signs of natural exponential acceleration. From emergence of Homo sapiens until the end of the I phase passed not less than 30 thousand years, II phase lasted about 7 thousand years, III phase - about 2 thousand years, IV phase - about 1.5 thousand, V phase - about one thousand years, VI - about 300, VII phase - a little more than 100 years, duration of VIII phase while it is impossible to determine. Put on the schedule these phases are combined in exponential development which assumes eventually transition to the vertical line or more true, to the point of so-called singularity. Scientific and technical achievements of mankind were being developed according to the exponential schedule likewise …". I. M. Dyakonov's considerations on this problem are described in detail in his monograph «Пути истории. От древнейшего человека до наших дней. КомКнига. Москва. 2007г.» ("The Ways of History. From the most ancient man to the present day." KomKniga. Moscow. 2007).
Diakonoff's schedule may be completed up to the vertical line. In this case, the point of singularity will lie for 2022.
Definition of a technological singularity appeared after Diakonoff's works: the technological singularity is the hypothetical moment after which technical progress becomes such fast and complex that it will be inaccessible to comprehension. The technological singularity as a result of development of nanotechnologies was considered in the report of 2007 of the Commission on economic policy of the Congress of the USA, as start date of a singularity was called 2020, according to another prognosis — 2030. Basic idea of this conclusion is the corollary from the law of Moore (an empirical conclusion from the observed speed of development of technologies): somewhere between 2025 and 2035 the computing power of separate computers will be made even to the "crude" computing power of a human brain, and then and will surpass it.
The given dates are close to each other and they also are close to the present time. The question is only in interpretation of the specified process, i.e. what will happen in the singularity point with the world civilization.
The approaching informational collapse is confirmation of that the era of fundamental changes in civilization development approaches with an approximation of the point of the singularity.
Informational collapse is defined as the condition of network information space menacing to its stability and normal functioning. Informational collapse is characterized by fall off of capacity of communication channels and arises at a situation when existing technologies are not able to transfer growing volumes of traffic.
The beginning of the informational collapse manifests in constant increase in speed of emergence of new information and accumulation of this information in the Internet. Acquaintance with the avalanche flow of information becomes more and more difficult and even more difficult becomes thereof its adequate use because filtration of information, as a rule, for doubtful criteria becomes actually by single method of ordering of information. This process conducts to fast loss by society of perspective reference points of development, to replacement of the true purposes by corporate purposes, to bamboozle of an overwhelming majority of Internet users.
In addition to the oncoming information collapse in recent years, the method of the capitalist production and consumption based on private property and loans has actually ended, since the territory of the planet has the limit and the consumption of manufactured goods by its population is not unlimited. Therefore, the capitalist mode of production, automatically adjusted to the growth of sales of products, fails when this limit is reached, because it loses the incentive for development.
The resulting stagnation leads the ruling elite to the idea of transforming society into a form convenient for maintaining the power of this elite and all the advantages associated with it.
Therefore, the ruling elite, in essence, having borrowed Campanella's ideas about an ideal state, decided to arrange some kind of the formation, reminiscent of Campanella's "the ideal" state.
This state – "the City of the Sun", where everyone works and there are no scoundrels and parasites, is based on an attempt to balance the various qualities and abilities of people by forced equality. The power in this ideal state belongs to the spiritual aristocracy, or intellectual and religious elite.
Campanella offers the state to eradicate vices and the resulting wrong behavior. He also considers it necessary to destroy the institution of the family, since it leads to private property - a source of inequality. To improve people, Campanella proposes to carry out selection, which should be determined by the bosses.
The current supranational power elite, imagining itself to be intellectual, also wants to forcibly put the population under its control by digitizing the population. This elite tries to discredit the family, having liquidated it gradually, and to deprive the population of property. It assumes to give him certain benefits depending on the behavior of specific individuals, which this elite considers correct, up to the selection of this population. This process has already begun in China and it has been going on there for at least 6 years, and the preparation of the rest of the world, with the exception of African countries, for this digital concentration camp for the needs of the ruling "elite", the essentially pathetic in their mental abilities and culture, has been going on for two years with the help of intimidating the population with a new type of viral flu, and it is quite possible that this contagious virus was bred specifically with the help of the same scientists, even more so there are many bacteriological laboratories in the world, and the basis for the current global experiment on humans is many years of work on the study of the human genome. It turned out that science could not understand all the mechanisms of action of the genome, but they can already spoil it. The result is obvious.
Thus, with the help of scientists, it is quite natural for itself, this elite is going to reduce the population several times to reduce the consumption of the remaining resources of the planet by the population, and the main way of this reduction may be to sterilize the population with medical drugs under the pretext of saving it from supposedly fatal diseases, and to digitize the rest of the population with the help of modern computer technologies, putting each of its members under control to dictate to him the appropriate behavior, especially since the main work will be performed not by the population, but by artificial intelligence.
That is, every possible assistance in this project of the actual genocide of the population with its transformation into voiceless and thoughtless slaves for the absolutely unworthy needs of the ghouls in power, who believe that they will retain their power by implementation such stupidity, reducing all achievements of humanity and its culture to zero, is provided by science, which provides specialists and equipment to destroy the bulk of the population and bring the remaining part into obedient blockheads, divided into a kind of castes depending on the degree of obedience.
This idiotic project aimed at preserving power for worthless individuals is a typical utopia, since it, like capitalism, which has lost its incentive for development, lacks this very development, which is always built on contradictions, but they are not here.
In this case, which is beneficial, how it seems at first glance, for the ruling elite, people turn into a herd, which this elite grazes for the sake of obtaining certain products for themselves from this herd, not giving it the will in order to avoid its own elimination.
Naturally, such artificial formation will degrade extremely quickly in all its parts, since it loses the ability to receive updates in the form of certain innovations in both technological and cultural spheres, especially since this post-capitalist society will parasitize on artificial intelligence, which, as it is supposed, will replace the human intelligence, that in fact will eliminate human creativity, thereby depriving society of progress.
Thus, the actions of science according to a method of processing and transforming information that is specific only to it leads, to the acceleration of the development of a technological civilization, condensing its own time within the calendar time, which is an inevitable consequence of an increase in information flows consumed by science, contributing to the capture of more and more spaces by human activity.
In this case, the technological progress is combined with the compaction of civilization's own time, which cannot but end with its disappearance, or rather, the arrival at the point of singularity, at which the existing technologies cease to operate.
It is for this reason that the hopes of the ruling elites for some new post-capitalist form of the existence of civilization in the form of the state of Campanella, where they will prosper like the Roman patricians among the host of slaves, are in vain.
There is no left own time for any forms of the current civilization, since the contradictions that moved it earlier, disappeared, and artificial inventing of contradictions is impossible for any mind.
Therefore, the development of consciousness within the framework of the current civilization has become impossible. And this means that this civilization has become unnecessary, no matter how unpleasant it may be for the same science, which turned out to be unable to predict such a turn of events, because it relied on humanitarian foundations that put man at the forefront of existence and assuming, as a result, the existence of his civilization to be eternal, while in the world of events everything finds its end, but along with that it can resume through a corresponding pause on a new basis.
Therefore, it makes sense to say a few words about humanism (not to be confused with humanity), which, in essence, is completely false in the antagonistic world of semi-primates.
Humanism, proclaiming life in the spirit of reason, that seems completely fair at first glance, immediately leads humanity to a dead end, since most people use their minds purely pragmatically, not thinking about the lofty and spiritual, but seeking to satisfy their urgent needs for food, the production of offspring and distinguishing yourself from the crowd to gain benefits in the same way.
The overwhelming majority of people still live in inhuman conditions - on the brink of survival. In many countries of the world, real wars are currently going on, which by no means improve the living conditions of the population. The education and health care system in most countries of the world is primitive and does not provide a long lifespan and rise to the heights of culture and engineering.
Therefore, the theory of humanism is only elitist. And this is reinforced by the fact that more technologically advanced countries are still plundering the wealth of other countries, fleece its population, taking away its future mainly by bribing the elites of underdeveloped countries. But this robbery of other peoples does not bring the elites of rich countries and supranational elites anything but their decomposition, since beating and humiliating the weak has nothing to do with humanity.
An ordinary person in rich countries that are considered democratic and cultural, in fact, is reduced to nothing in the environment of false democracy, he stops in his development, "fixated" on the consumption of electronic information novelties of civilization, which are devouring all his free time. Any of his protests are senseless or brutally suppressed. He becomes indifferent and incapable of decisive action, susceptible to deceitful propaganda of false values of a technocratic society, mainly consumer ones.
The theory of humanism puts a person at the forefront of everything that exists, believing that he can solve all the problems of beingness thanks to his enduring interest in himself and his personality, which is supposedly self-valuable. But this, in essence, egocentrism does not take into account not only the limitations of any person in natural and temporal terms, but also forgets that dominating in any person is his semi-primacy essence, the consciousness of which will always dominate over his altruism, acquired relatively recently.
Therefore, a person will always think first of all about himself, his family, and only then about a group of certain persons. And, as you know, group and personal interests too often diverge.
If humanism begins, for the good of the whole society, to proclaim the primacy of group interests, then the adoption of these slogans, as can be seen from history, always led to the rule of the oligarchy or to despotism, which, in fact, is happening today, as a result of which an ordinary person is reduced to nothing, and the elite itself is rapidly degrading.
If a person is unambiguously recognized by humanism as the crown of all that exists, then religion is thereby denied with its appeal to the soul. And the soul, or rather, consciousness, although invisible to us, is what revives and holds a certain time of a person in beingness, remaining oneself eternal, but changing in the chain of the human lives. You can read more about this in my work "Why does not science have the ability to identify the essence of consciousness?", posted on Amazon and on the Unknown Genius (Неизвестный гений) website.
It is the eternal consciousness that determines everything that exists in Creation, and a person is only the most effective instrument of consciousness, through which consciousness acquires development.
The fact that not a person - semi-primate, but the eternal consciousness is the determining link of Creation is proved not only by the short duration of human life, in which he has little time to do something, but also - by the disappearance of any technological civilization at the point of singularity, and by the emergence of the next civilization in the same place or on another planet under suitable conditions. And this civilization will also develop in the antagonistic contradictions of the same semi-primates until its own collapse at the point of singularity, but continuing but continuing in such intermittency the development of theinfinite consciousness.
Thus, such contradictory creatures as people are not able to exist within the framework of harmony, but they are able to ensure the development of consciousness in the course of the gradual renewal of civilizations.
Each person and his communities are finite. They appear and disappear, and traces of their presence on one planets are smoothed gradually, but on others - appear people, and this process doesn't have the end.
Therefore, if to search the support only in the person, as a self-sufficing being, then the question of mission of human existence in intervals between the birth and death together with remaining people; and about mission of own civilization, which is also the finite, loses a meaning.
This is one of the main reasons for the triumph of religion at all times, which tries to connect the person with some highest power to strengthen him in the world.
Nevertheless, the meaning of human existence in such contradictory conditions in the form of the developing civilizations, of course, is available inasmuch at a depth level people are separated and united by consciousness, inherent to them.
In the person consciousness (active) provides for oneself the actual, though every time, the temporal life bringing changes into consciousness.
Consciousness in its individual expression, when it finds self in the finite beings over and over again, retains its active nature, its main base due to actions in the subject and resisting world which consciousness seeks to change through the person, as soon as can, despite all hindrances arising in front of it.
In other words, the finite in the form of the alive and mortal turns into the infinite consciousness only through the discrete existence of alive.
All of the above does not at all indicate the harmfulness of science, but only indicates its contradictory role in the development of technological civilization, since without science there would be no development of the human community, which, it is true, ends in collapse, but it is renewed again just like any human life is not just in offspring, but also in the development of consciousness, which in the brief human lives takes on new forms and shades, the number of which is infinite.
As for the disintegration of the present civilization, which is already clearly approaching, the following can be briefly noted.
As already mentioned, the digital concentration camp deprives the society of development, and civilization turns into savagery, because technologies are quickly lost and the time comes for wild tribes capable of living without without electricity and hot water.
However, savagery and barbarism do not necessarily manifest themselves at the point of singularity. There is also another option for humanity to pass through this point.
As it is paradoxical, it is possible to find nevertheless an outlet, or a temporary lacuna for establishment in certain degree of fair society, but only in the case of particular restriction of freedom of the individual, more precisely, its self-restrictions, in favor of collective, society, or a civilization without the states, despite all internal contradictions which always are rending society.
For this purpose, it is required establishing such society at which the resultant of all contradictory forces become almost equal to zero.
So as struggle, contradictions, collisions are always present at the developing society – it wouldn't be developing without them - so far as the process of development should be paused or – it should be expressed extremely weakly. In other words, a civilization, society has to lose possibility of development temporarily.
In such state the civilization can be only as the equilibrium.
Its basic signs consist in the following.
First, it has to be in ecological equilibrium with the nature, i.e. it has to return generally to appropriating economy with preservation and addition of some resource-saving technologies.
Secondly, having refused the complex state management system, the civilization has to return to the simplest forms of the public relations in the form of local self-coping cells of various orientation on the kinds of activity, connected among themselves not only horizontally, but also - vertically, unlike primitive communities.
Thirdly, the tasks of a civilization has to be not development of technologies and the social relations, but self-sufficiency concerning creation for each person of the acceptable vital conditions and maintaining of functioning of self-coping cells without emergence of a heeling towards their withdrawal from self-government. The only "medicine" for this purpose is the most frequent rotation of the chosen managing personnel.
In this relation the difference of this structure from primitive communities consists in more high level of consciousness of members of the self-coping cells, saved up for six millennia of previous civilization development, and, in this regard, emergence of possibility of the conscious decision by all members of cells of arising problems of a civilization within the elementary structures.
Fourthly, the free time of each members of community which can be very the considerable, thanks to preservation of many technologies of reproducing of food and household items, has to be devoted to self-development in that sphere to which he has predilections: art, crafts, fight against diseases, learning process, etc.
Thus, the civilization is as though conserved. Certainly, sooner or later it will go wrong, but time of its existence and quite quiet life of people in it can be much more, than life time of a technological civilization known to us.
To the one who will tell that it is impossible to stop development, it is possible to give an example of a similar suspending in development of human communities, more precisely, its extreme delay.
It is possible give as an example the well-known and studied primitive communities which have been existing approximately in the same condition of some tens of thousands of years, until awakened from "hibernation" about 10 thousand years ago whereby, partly, our civilization emerged about six thousand years ago. Communities, which are in the equilibrium with environment, exist and now in a natural form, for example, the Australian natives. There are similar communities in a artificial type of various sects, for example doukhobor. The public and production formations close to them - kibbutzim in Israel as well separate themselves from society and the state on the way of life, which is close to the equilibrium.
It is not excluded that the ecological civilization which, perhaps, will appear after disintegration of a present technological civilization, will not disappear over time from the face of the earth, and under the influence of this or that push will be waken and will start functioning in another form.
More information about the features of this kind of equilibrium civilization can be found in my work "Communes as a result of crash of all civilization", posted on site "Amazon" in English and on the site "Litres" in Russian.
If in China the digital concentration camp is already fully organized and functioning, and in Europe, where 80% of the population is digitized and vaccinated, the digital concentration camp is almost ready with the allocation of already built and under construction concentration camps for those who do not agree to be elita's slaves, then in Russia, its free-loving population in its bulk evades vaccination in every way and for religious reasons of Orthodoxy, and due to fear of sterilization through vaccines, as well as simply opposing the pressure of the authorities by own enduring resistance to these authorities, which he always did not trust and which he does not respect due to their meanness, deceitfulness and theft.
Russian people also shy away from coding. They are even falsifying codes, expressing no desire to get into a digital concentration camp or behind barbed wire, which is confirmed by the statistics of digitization, which in Russia, unlike Europe and China, a smaller part of the population obeyed.
In addition, the government in Russia, rotten through and through and inept in governance, is simply not able to cope with this deaf resistance in a vast country with an ethnically diverse population.
Therefore, Russia can become the only developed country in the world that has rejected the digital concentration camp, and pass the point of singularity not in the direction of decomposition and subsequent overthrow into savagery, but, for example, in the direction of its transformation into an equilibrium civilization.
This can be confirmed by the following.
Let us recall that in the last world war the Russians have already saved the world from the enslavement by the "superior race" once, having laid down tens of millions of their best fellow citizens, but having won fascism in the form of the entire rich and experienced in battles and to the teeth armed Europe by incredible efforts of the impoverished and exhausted country by Marxist experiments,
All this happened not by accident.
The basis of victories in any circumstances is the Russian character. This is eternal discontent of the Russian soul with itself and it is aspiration of the Russian soul to something for the best what she not knows, but always would like to know. That is truly free aspirations are most brightly expressed in the Russian soul. In this sense the Russian people rose above all in the world and, therefore, should become by responsible for the world.
For this reason, the simple Russian people have fond of Christ who rejected temptations of this world, urged to help all sufferers, to refuse violence, to love and respect each other. The Russian people on the whole sincerely seek, consciously or not, but to follow Christ's precepts, unlike hypocritical people of the West who evade from recognition that their developed and cultural states humiliate and plunder of the rest of the world for the sake of only own full wellbeing, refuting by own disgraceful affairs the prayers and glorifications to Christ.
The response to a question of the Russian idea can be only one: Russia once again should become as the savior of the world. Presumably that Russia doesn't remain lonely in the anti-individualistic aspirations. Such countries as India can join to it so as the bulk of citizens of India has purely patriarchal consciousness.
What the point of singularity will give to us, becoming closer and closer?
It cannot be predicted precisely, but, perhaps, the modern civilization of consumption will disappear, and on its place can appear or only wreckages and the people surviving in a cataclysm who fell into wildness or a new civilization on other principles of existence, which are so close to the Russian person.
The sense of existence of consciousness, dominating in reality, consists in its development. The mismatch between acting system and sense of existence of consciousness is finding a solution by elimination of beingness which is unsuitable for development of consciousness. In this case the unstable technological civilization automatically collapses as the complex system which is losing management like the ship at the storming ocean.
So, the depersonalized capitalist civilization, which reached the considerable technological tops, but having impregnated all society by their ideas, which are nonconstructive for development of consciousness, becomes as unnecessary, as well as the distributive quasi-state of slaves, like the "City of the Sun" of Campanella, where close-minded bosses reign supreme over the disenfranchised people, brought to the stage of complete stupefaction.


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