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Сборник стихотворений "Dragons"

Литература / Разное / Сборник стихотворений "Dragons"
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21 декабря ’2022   16:14
Просмотров: 3308

I am an ancient Magic star
I light their way from afar
The wanderers follow me
They wrote poems about me.
I will live a bright life and burn
I 'll give you hope to take your throne
I'm not afraid to burn, it- sense ...
There is nothing but this comets
I don't want to live a gray life
I will burn up during the flight
I will light the way for many
I'm a comet now. Do you see?

A lonely prince is dancing
Between the cold blue stars.
In the dark he goes crazy
And a rose under glass.
She loses it is petals,
carrying away the light.
He sets foot on red Mars.
life is a lonely flight.
When his yellow rose fades,
he will be left alone.
But there is a princess.
She is a rose that blooms.
She sees a prince in dreams .
But she can 't fly to him .
And people broke her wings.
She only imagine.
She can't fly to the prince.
He doesn't know about her.
Will two parallels meet?
How to meet ice and fire?

My dragon is sleeping in the tomb.
But it's time to wake him up from sleep.
I've been waiting for him for so long.
You were trapped in the ocean deep.
I stood by the sea and sang you a song.
At last now you have heard my sad call.
Our love is cosmic, it is beyond.
Even the waves will part before love.
In each of my lives, I have been waiting
for the king to return to his queen.
Every evening I now imagine
how the Stars will light up your way, I believe

I've known you since a previous life.
Then I called you my dark knight.
Now our history remains
only in forgotten old myths
I'm opening these books again.
I'm looking for your trace in them.
And I'm looking for you in space.
Hoping to see your native face.
I'm flying through the worlds to you.
You are my mystical Neptune

Our life is a game of chess
I am the proud queen in it play
I can get anything I wish
I'm not afraid of gray days
There is a chessboard in front
of me , I walk freely on it
I can get anything I want
I can command all the winds
After all, what I wish comes true
There must be a king with the queen
What if this king lives on the moon?
To find her, will he ride the wind ?
But does this brave king exist...
If so, give me a sign, please...
Take the first step, it's a risk!
Come on, play white chess with me!

I am a black swan among whites.
I'm a freak for them, not right and bad.
I want to escape from Earth to Mars.
But I don't have an exact star map.
They hate me, but I can't hear you.
I'm just dancing among your pack.
They're pulling my hair, yes-it's blue!
But I only sing my own song.
Do with my flesh whatever you want,
but you will never kill my free soul
I 'll continue to dance to this sound.
A star sings for me under the moon.
And I'm dancing among this white flock.
I 'm a black swan and I 'm proud of it.
I will glue the heart and make a rock.
I'll sing I'll be free as the wind

Poets are inspired by the moon.
I see only your eyes in the sky.
My spring will bloom in them soon.
I sit down with a brush to draw.
you're on my canvas again,
Your fragrance is in my verses.
I'm drunk on you like spring wine.
The most beautiful of flowers

I'm waiting for my Dragon.
He will come for me one day.
He's the same as me alone
among people who are gray
He's been looking for me for
So long in this world of tears.
I don't want to wait anymore
I have to try to find him.
We are both strangers to world
And we came here just to meet.
I will go through fire and cold.
I'm going to a dream that's sweet.
There is the last dragon left In
This world and this is my prince.
We need to fight fate and win
We will fly away on wings.
We will definitely
leave this planet together
Just don't despair Wait for me
And I'll find you wherever

I am your worst temptation.
You can't love me ever.
Drop all your expectations!
dance with me together.
Don't listen to anyone.
Just fall into a sweet embrace.
Nothing can save you from me now.
I'll steal you into my space.
I am an ancient evil.
And I will make You my king.
I'm tempting you like a vampire.
Your heart is in my fiery ring.
You can get scared and leave.
You can choose a dangerous dance.
Are you ready to swim so deep?
Make a choice and let's join hands

You and I are far away.
we are under the same sky.
Touch the cold keys . If you play,
I'll find you faster and fly.
Only one thing calms me down.
We are under the same stars.
That means I'll make my own plan.
Venus is looking for Mars.
We are in the same universe.
So I'll find you and we'll meet.
The prince will wait for his rose.
I'll come to you with the wind

I'm lighting a fire
For you to find me
Rivers are my hair
They will lead to me
Now I shine brighter
For you to come here
I am your blue angel
And I'm always there

I was kissed by the devil
Know that no prayers w'll help you now.
You have a choice Be mine or die.
You will be mine, no matter how.
I am your temptation and you'll lose.
If I really want to, I'll get you.
you want my lips as red as a rose.
Just look into my eyes which are blue.
And they'll drive you crazy fast.
You will change your faith in the gods.
Forget the sadness of the past.
And I won't let go of your hands

내 사랑은 하늘처럼
그리고 당신은 내 별입니다
내 사랑은 바람처럼
그는 당신에게 날고있다
나는 봄 꽃을 좋아한다
당신은 피는 모란입니다

The Red Thread of Fate
Connected us with you.
And it is too late
to look for the truth.
And every life we
Meet again and again.
Love overcame death
and became a flame.
In this life we're lost.
I promise to find you.
You are my black rose
With a snow soul that is blue.
I can only hope
that you remember me.
Walk through the blue fog.
And you will be free

Are you really my destiny
or is it for me it seems.
The time has come. come to me
I've been waiting for you for agеs.
Why are you and I so alike?
Why do you come in a dream?
Can these feelings of mine be fake?
And I know I want to win.
We've known each other in past lives,
that's my answer now to you.
Remember, you and I had wings.
Let's fly up into the blue

You are my poetry
I read you like a novel
Now all the books are empty
Their dirty Souls are for sale.
But I found meaning in you
You can be read forever.
That's why you're my best book
Give me your big fender

You've never met someone like me.
You didn't think I was a sorceress.
Some even just call me evil.
I struggle with loneliness.
The princess just becomes a witch.
This also happens in the world.
that doesn't mean she's bad or a bitch.
It's just that her heart was made cold.
If there was someone who would warm.
And then maybe the heart will thaw.
If she hope, Will the knight come calm?
Will the knight save the witch? Is it so?
Angels also become demons.
Because their wings are being cut off.
How to live a forgotten gods?
What kind of knight can fall in love?
How can I believe in us then?
Our love seems unreal to me.
I'm a demon, and you're an angel.
I'll just remain a distant fairy

I don't like icy silence
So if you love me tell me
I don't want to just guess
I don't want such poetry.
I'm tired of just waiting
So give me a secret sign
I don't want to hope in vain
I need to know, not imagine

If the world is against you
I'll shield you from the bullets
I love you so much and it's true.
Trust me when others betrays.
I know how sad you are right now.
This world is unfair and evil.
I want to save you, I'm vow.
Even if I'm a real devil

우리는 빨간색 스레드에 의해 연결되어 있습니다
우리는 이전의 삶에서 서로를 알고 있었다
우리는 악한 운명에 의해 분리되었다
하지만 난 당신을 찾을 수 있습니다
별들은 나에게 길을 보여줄 것이다
우리는 우리를 기다리는 회의가 있습니다
나는 당신이 나를 잊지 않았 으면 좋겠다
모든 삶에서 나는 당신 것이 었습니다
내가 올 때 당신은 나를 인식 할 것인가
당신은 내 눈에 내 사랑을 볼 수 있습니까
내 키스는 잠에서 당신을 깨울 것입니다
나는 이미 바람의 날개로 너에게 날고있다.

I know that life is sad,
But today smile for me.
Even if you feel bad,
you can just become free.
And fly to me on wings
I want to dance with you.
life is complicated things.
It's easy to love if you too

You and I only meet in a dream.
And I want to really touch your lips.
It's time to finish this stupid film.
I want more, go in reality, live.
I need it all or nothing again.
I want to get your soul, heart or leave.
You shouldn't play with this bright red flame.
Come to me to give me your heart self

Let's meet under the white moon.
I so want to feel your breath.
I long to open the door
Аnd see your magical face.
I really want to meet your eyes.
How to get into your dimension?
You're behind a wall of ice.
I have no expectations.
I want to see you and touch lips.
But will I see you in this life?
Come to me with the east winds.
Unhappy love problem rife

I've always broken all the rules
I was a stranger to this world.
The whole cosmos is in my pulse.
I 'm a flame in this space of cold.
My place is among the hot stars.
I'll be lonely burning away.
I have to light up People's paths.
I 'll be outside the rules to play

You can't love me I know.
So why do I love you.
And I can only draw
A portrait of where you .
We'll never see each other .
I can watch from afar.
Tell me what I can ? Then
We will not move on far.
What can a girl do in
this cruel world now?
And can my great love win ?
I will try. Tell me how?

I'm on the dark side of the moon.
I can watch you from the shadows.
It's like I'm seeing a bright bloom,
I can't touch a flower with flow.
I'm just a little butterfly
In this vast darkness universe.
But the tear froze in the eye,
I found it among the flowers.
And My loneliness was over
when I saw this delicate bud.
But love breaks like a Arcane tower.
Will we have a sad life? And fate?

Is love really only in novels,
But I dream of meeting my prince.
Why are knights only in fairy tales?
Why don't I have magic big wings?
The ice Prince lives far away from me.
I do not know how to melt his heart.
I don't have a fairy, how to meet?
And I can only lay out my cards.
I want the prince to thaw, find me.
I dream of being only with him.
But he's not here, so his horse is dead.
It's not a fairy tale I can win

Do you think I'm a fairy?
But I am a fatal witch.
But do I love you? May be...
I have heart, although I'm bitch.
I was kind, but I saw bad .
Now I don't believe in love.
But why it is my sad fate?
Will you give me hope? Enough!
I've broken a lot of hearts.
Your heart is in my hands now.
I want to give you a chance.
Show the good. I don't know how.

You and I are like the sun and the moon-
We are separated and cannot meet.
We are separated by a big door.
But I feel your rays on lips and it's sweet.
I'm on the dark side, and you're on the light .
But will the moon and the sun ever meet?
I am ready to break the laws and right.
For your sake, the moon' ll go out of orbit

You are a ray in my dark realm.
And You bring light into my sad life.
I love you, tell me how to stay calm?
I'm free, I don't want to be your wife.
I just like this feeling and thank you.
You give me your light, I'm grateful.
Tell me what you would like me to do?
Do you love me? I feel like a fool.
Sometimes I think I just made it up.
And even if we're not together.
I fell into your cunning love trap.
I can't get out just going crazy

I want to believe in love so much.
I do not know , should I believe you.
When I look at you, I want to touch.
I like you , I 'm scared of the truth.
But It seems to me or do you love.
And how do I know where the truth is?
I'm in a maze, looking for a path.
But I go and dream of your sweet kiss.
I'm afraid to be disappointed.
If you love me, Just give me your hand.
I don't want to believe in the bad.
I will find you, though the earth is great

Yes, I am the queen of Wands,
And You are my king of Cups.
When will you and I join hands.
We will take off with the winds.
Then We'll be like Yin Yang.
Fire and water will converge.
The queen only needs a king.
And We will Erase this verge

My love is bigger than the sky.
I'm drowning in you, my ocean.
You will be my space when I fly.
I see you, I feel commotion.
My heart sings only about you
And passion pulsates in my blood.
I am the flame that cools your dew.
But you could love me more, you could...

You are an alluring art to me,
You're the best masterpiece of nature.
You are classical music and painting,
Аhead of time and in the future.
I admire you as the best picture,
I dare not touch the holy canvas.
Is it admiration or love you?
You are unearthly to me, like Mars

I'm free as a wild bird.
Cages are not for me.
I won't give my accord.
After all, I'm so wild.
I broke rules and barriers.
I'm symbol of Liberty.
I'm taking off my dress.
To fly, I'm a fairy...

Magnetism emanates from me,
As if I am a dangerous snake.
My gaze can seduce or give death.
Why do you want to drown in this lake?
You look at my dance and don't see
That you are wrapped in my rings.
Scared? Yes, your heart is not free.
Now the Bird can't spread its wings.

Magnetism emanates from me,
As if I am a dangerous snake.
My gaze can seduce or give death.
Why do you want to drown in this lake?
You look at my dance and don't see
That you are wrapped in my rings.
Scared? Yes, your heart is not free.
Now the Bird can't spread its wings.

I'm an astronaut who dreams
Оf a distant snow planet.
Sorry , but I don 't have wings.
I so want to leave this land!
You are my planet, how can I fly?
I'm all alone in this darkness.
We are so far away! Why?
I'm flying to you to see face

I freely beam across the sky.
I wish to soar to the very stars.
And you're going to ask me: "why?"
Earthly life is not for my eyes.
Yes, I want to be one of them.
illuminating the cold space.
And I want to become a bright flame.
And Just carry the lights of grace

I'm dancing over a precipice,
This long hard life weighs on me, perhaps.
And I secretly wish to fall down.
my eternity says: not the time.
I walk in the dark on a thin rope.
reach the end? Is there any hope?

It's hard for me to leave you,
But it's better this way.
Maybe you think so too.
We're lonely day after day.
Can we be together?
My angel, I'm a demon.
Yes, I must be crazy.
Once ascended to heaven.
I shouldn't call you to hell.
I can't get your wings dirty.
Such love will not bring well.
I was just threw open doors
And went to paradise.
Then I came for my muse.
And I loved your eyes.
I wanted to steal you,
But just took your sad heart.
But it's not fair to you-
To Take you in hell Dante
And I don't need pity,
I don't want to hurt you,
I'll leave before it's too late.
I'll be lonely on the moon.
This is probably my fate

My prince is wandering between the stars,
I want to help him find his way to me.
My thread of love'll lead him out of this maze.
I will give him wings and he will be free.

Nothing can separate us,
Such love cannot be killed.
My strong magic will save us.
Even if the sky turns red.
Even when you're far away,
I am always there with my soul.
I love you more every day.
I won't let you be alone.
Our love should have a good ending.
We have to stay together.
We will conquer our destiny.
And We will love like crazy

You are the white day, I am the night.
We were separated by this sky.
I'm deprived of your smile of light.
I want to ask question to fate why?
I want your light to be mine alone!
And Let this world sink into darkness,
But I want to be your only one.
I'll take you and we'll go to the wild west

Every day I'm waiting for a miracle.
And I'm waiting for you to write to me.
After all, you are my inspiration.
I'm starting to regret that I agreed.
I got into the game, how do I play?
And You are in another dimension.
I'm waiting for a message every day.
And I want to ask you so much question.
But you are mysterious and distant,
And your signs are so vague and secret.
Maybe you just don't hear me in your lands?
One day for love, it may just be too late.
But when will you take a step towards me?
When'll the portal for our meeting open?
It's so easy, just text me and I'll see
I'm not waiting in vain, you're not frozen

You'll Call me a Goddess
Аnd pray in the night.
I'll dispel the darkness
For my faithful knight.
You'll call me the blue queen
And swear to love me.
And you will be my king,
And then we will dream.

If you kiss me, you will become, like me,
А sorcerer and gain power.
But it's not too late to change your mind,
I'm letting you out of the tower.
You'll regret it if you choose me.
People, friends, parents will condemn our love.
And then you'll want to leave and be free.
And then you will leave saying: enough !
But if you choose to stay with me,
We will sail across the sky like stars.
You'll be my king, I'll be your queen,
I'll give you a crown of magic glass.
And Our magic will rule the world,
Legends will write about our love.
Make this choice and say your word.
Surrender to the sensual wave

I'm not interested in your body,
I don't want earrings and necklaces.
I don't believe in perfect stories.
The whole ends with a removed dress
You don't have to promise anything.
Say'll, I'm the devil, I want your soul.
It's enough for me if you just sing.
I want something more than these dolls.
Maybe I want to possess your heart,
Treat me differently than others.
If you don't want to lose at the start.
I'm special, Give me something worthy

I don't need your money,
And I don't need your vows!
My life is not sunny,
I don't believe the words.
Nothing lasts forever,
I don't believe in promisе.
And never say never,
love will blow away the breeze.
I want to be with you now.
I need your actions.
And don't ask me how?
I just want fairy tales.

Let's forget about this world and
Just give ourselves up to passion.
I'll follow you, Give me your hand.
Maybe you're my main mission.
And the world is constantly in
Danger and I'm tired of saving.
These victories mean nothing.
It's important that you be mine.
Yeah, let's just drop our clothes.
Let our lips merge in a hot kiss.
We'll go into space as wanders .
Just touch my skin, you're my fresh breeze

I'm a cute little kitty.
But I'm too tough for you!
Do not seek my strong pity,
I'm like a stone, the truth.
Never believe your eyes,
I'm a wolf in cat mask.
I've ruined a lot of guys.
I'm a difficult task.
I am a scare predator,
Аnd you are my victim.
I'll give you hard hardcore.
This is my game . You can't win.
Run before it's too late.
You will meet my wolf form.
I'll score in you at the gate.
Yes, I am Adetta swan

I аm the flower that beckons you,
My fragrance is intoxicating.
Ask yourself, who am I then? Who?
Stop imagining me an angel
But my thorns are poisonous,
In my arms you will find certain death.
Loving me is very dangerous.
I'm the scariest hero in the piece

If I leave you, don't believe me!
My heart belongs to you forever.
I can't stop loving? I'd rather die.
Can I stop loving you? Never!
Loving one person is my curse.
I can't be happy without you.
You really have become my muse.
My love doesn't need any proof.
You can be happy without me.
Should I let you go like the wind.
And you can just be free.
I'm in a cage of love, like a hind

I will lift my gaze to the sky,
And I'll ask the stars one question.
When can I finally fly.
I'm tired of this expextetion.
My place is not on this planet,
I know they're waiting for me there.
Let me seem completely mad,
But I don't want to stay here

I'm wandering the desert alone.
My companions are only djinn.
They lead me to sit on the throne.
After all, I was able to win.
There's a whole planet at my feet.
And I will ask them just one thing.
But will I never meet my king?
And I will sit blown by the winds.

You don't believe in my love.
After all, you can't do that.
I love for two, that's enough.
I'm not holding your hand.
The one who loves gives freedom.
I'm letting you go, my bird.
You'll never be alone.
I'll continue to love you fond.
My love is the sky, fly...
The sky will be next to its bird.
In this world, everyone lies.
I do not know there'll be cont.
The sky'll just love from afar,
It's a pity you can't that.
After all, Love requires dare
But you're not very mad

I so want to be your sea,
So that you dissolve in me.
I want to become your sky
So that you enjoy my light.
I want to become your star
Тhat you can admire from afar.
I want to become a sea breeze
Тo hug you by the shoulders
I want to be a rainbow
So that you strong fall in love.

I've never looked for a prince,
I dreamed of meeting a dragon .
I see you and my wrong world flips.
I found you, And I'm not alone.
Don't hide your flaws, you're so perfect.
Finally, I found my dragon!
Pull your palm and I'll squeeze your hand.
We are a pair of loyal swans.

Even after the fall of the world,
Our love will live between the bright stars.
And no matter what anyone told:
"love doesn't exist". It's not about us.
And I believe that love will conquer
everything and survive disasters.
Defeating bad, our hearts,re always near.
And Our eternity has no terms.

Why do those we love the most
live unbearably far away?
Why did my heart broken the past?
And now I can't fly in this game.
Why should love be put to the test?
Can a small heart withstand so much pain?
And Why is his Land The Furthest?
why tears're hidden only by rain?
Мany questions and no answer...
But the main thing is: can we meet?
Is your love enough to win fear?
And I can only believe in it...

I know you'd be better off alone.
But I can't leave you forever.
This is true love and now I know.
I'm afraid I can't lose you ever.
I didn't think I could love like that.
But what if your love is not so strong.
Will I be able to learn to forget?
You must be my eternal song

And without you, my stars
have fallen from the sky.
I'm left in the darkness
from which I cannot fly.

May the light of your heart
become a beacon to me.
It will tell me the route,
I'll go to him through dreams

If the lights are on
I'll know you still love.
So I'm still not alone.
And that will be enough

My sad life was hard and we couldn't meet,
I decided to be a goddess
Now I can disperse the clouds with wind.
I can break down walls and build bridges.
Now I have become omnipotent
and can overcome the impossible.
Now I can get to your distant land.
Soon our meeting will be possible.

왜 멀리 떨어져 있니?
당신은 어둠 속의 태양
너와 너의 눈을 보고 싶어!
난 그냥 사랑하고 싶어,
나는 날고 싶어.
나는 새가 되고 싶다.
나는 그녀를 이길 싶어-
운명은 우리를 방해합니다.
내 사랑은 영원하다.
내가 있는 별들을 보라.
나는 항상 거기에있다.
나는 당신의 길을 밝힙니다.
나는 천국에서 너를 돌본다.
예,나는 멀리 있습니다
하지만 내 사랑은 거리보다 강하다.
그녀는 분리를 정복합니다
어느 날 우리는 만날 수 있습니다

When the world darkened my sky with darkness,
I met a ray that lit up my broken heart.
We began to meet in a dream and just dance.
And Our love has become the highest great art.
One day I will get closer to my magic ray,
And then He will be the sun in which I'll burn.
But for now, it lights up my every dark day.
There's universe around, but I'm not alone

I've always been different,
This world didn't understand me.
I wanted to leave the planet
flying up with cosmic winds.
I wasn't expecting a prince,
I was waiting for the dark Lord.
Who'll take me away on dark wings.
That's what I so really want

I don't believe you now.
Prove to me that you love me.
I want to see your love.
And I'll just count to three.
When I open my eyes,
let everything change for us.
The darkness'll become rays
Let your love be my surprise

I will leave the cruel reality.
In a beautiful fairy tale
The good prince is waiting for me.
The wind of change sings in the hair.
I will succumb to temptation
And take a step towards him.
And the end of my expectations .
In a fight with fate, I will win.

Even if you are far away,
Your image lives in my heart.
Now all people betray lie and play.
And only you give me glad.
Only you are real among
The fakes, our love is eternal.
Our love is incredibly strong
And it will win, no matter, how

This gloomy silence frightens me,
Promise that you'll sing in the night.
And I won't be afraid of death.
I'll follow your voice that brings light.
And I've heard it in every life,
That's why I recognized him.
And now he makes me feel alive.
Which means I can still just dream.
One day, this voice'll lead me to you.
I'll fly after him by the notes.
But will you fly towards me too?
I don't want to guess and do rates

I know you want me more and more,
But I'm making you wait again.
And you're still sad and all alone.
You think this is my evil game.
But I am a hostage of time,
You don't know that I have the same.
I'm only outwardly so calm.
But I'm burning in this flame.
I would like to break the hands
of the clock and stop the time.
I want to cover the distance.
How do I draw this forward line ?
You've been in my heart for a long
time, but you just don't know it.
But everything is going wrong.
Life is unfair . How can we meet?
You just don't know anything
and think I don't want to meet.
But if I had at least one wing.
I' d have flown to you with the wind.

I don't want to complain about my life,
I've been through a lot of sadness and pain.
And it's a miracle that I'm still alive.
I'm like a cat and this life number nine.
I wanted so much to leave this bad world,
But I'm still here, there must be a reason!
It's stuffy in this world, like hell, I'm hot.
I prefer the stars, but I meet the sun.
Preferring night, I have to live by day,
Lies are everywhere instead of the truth.
It's not just like that, I didn't live in vain.
I knew when I saw you and heard my pulse.
I found my reason and it's only you.
I was waiting in this world for our meet.
Life has made sense and I know what to do.
my bitter life has become little sweet.

Just play the piano for me.
I'll dance on the keys with the notes.
I'm flying in the dance, just see.
Your music gives me a great force.
Just touch me instead of the keys,
I'll be your magic melody.
I am your prize at the end of maze,
In your gentle hands, my body
will become the art of music.
Just give in to temptation.
Let this dance become basic.
I'm yours, use your imaginе.

Didn't you know I was crazy,
when you fell in love with me?
Why then are you so dazy?
You knew it, I wasn't lying.
Being with me is like dancing
on the edge of a volcano.
Are you scared? You're walking
on the edge with me, not alone.
We're over the precipice,
don't be afraid, I'll give you wings.
I will give you my blue peace,
Let's indulge in forbidden dreams!

I've been looking for you in every life,
I 've flown worlds , battling
terrible monsters.
My lovers heart is wounded by knives.
But I'm looking for you like wanderers.
I know that I will find you in space
even if a terrible end awaits me.
But I dream so much to see your face,
That I'm not even afraid of death.
Even if it suddenly happens,
I will become a free wind and fly to you.
And then I will perform my last dance
with you under the rays of the moon

Every princess is waiting for her prince.
I believe that one day we'll perform our dance.
Perhaps you are destined for me by fate,
Which means that we can still meet, it's not too late.
You finally came to me from past lives,
why am I so familiar with your eyes?
A fairy tale should have a good ending,
So we'll definitely be together

I don't want to be a beautiful rose
or a sophisticated orchid.
I won't be a bright flower from the south,
which intoxicates with its sweet.
I just want to be myself, not like others,
It doesn't matter that I have spikes,
I have blue petals instead of a dress,
I'm different than them and I just dance

I'm an ancient forgotten goddess,
Once I created this universe.
My reflections in each of your faces,
My voice sounds in each of your new songs.
I've been flying between the stars long,
time to come back, show you eternity.
You will find out that I'm the only one among
many other gods known to humany.
I will open my huge cosmic heart
and give the light of my magical love.
You'll know eternity and learn love art,
This love is more than time, which is like sand.

Yes, I wish the incredible,
I want a fairy tale around,
But if this does not happen,
I will look for another world.
I just become a magician,
and I 'm waiting for my dark lord.
Somewhere there is my ideal.
If not, I will invent it and fond

I am dissolving into the darkness
that beckons me and gives me pleasure.
I remember that I am a goddess
My origins're calling me to return .
There I find my inspiration
and regain great magical power.
This is real, not in imagination.
And I just turn stars into flowers.
Nothing is impossible for me.
I'm doing wonders, just take a see.
And everything is subject to me.
From now on, all dreams become reality

It's time to forget about
everything and fly with me.
You won my heart in this round,
But can you save him from death?
If the world is against
me, than will you stay with me ?
Everyone is egoist,
can you love me if I'm free?
Will you follow me to hell?
will you leave the world for me?
And will you stay with me when
find out that I am the devil?
And it's time to make your choice:
Are you flying with me at stars?
Are you ready to fly to the voice
of love and lose yourself in dance

Autumn is so similar to sunset!
Like the breath of death when it's too late...
And the birds and rays leave the gray sky,
As my soul forget the remnants of life.
Perhaps my light will remain in verse.
But only darkness will accept my dance.
When the last leaf falls on this earth,
I'll fly to sky on the wings of death

I 've never done this before , but now
I'm checking the weather in your city.
does the rain paint on your window?
I can't warm your hands and I'm pity.
Have you admired the sky today,
maybe it's snowing white like mine.
I do not know how you spent this day.
were you thinking about me in the rain ?
I hope you don't forget me and
we admire the same stars this cold night.
I hope fate will lead me to your land
and together we will see this light

You're like the first snow for me,
As the most beautiful dream,
Like the light of a bright star,
I feel like the goddess Ishtar.
I'd follow you to hell, too.
Because you're my only truth.
And I'm following you as
if on the light of a new moon.
And I throw off the blue dress,
dissolving into her tune

I'll forget everything in the world.
But I'll always remember your eyes.
And No matter what anyone told ,
But you are much more than a simple guy.
Perhaps you are a deity or come
from another magical planet.
We're surrounded by so much drama,
But I don't want to let go of your hand.
we knew each other in another
life and in this one you came to me.
I'll came to the voice to warm frozen.
It's time for shooting stars, let's just dream

Today you came to me again in a dream,
what a pity that it's not in reality.
Love filled my heart and ran through my skin.
I felt your breath and touch, losing gravity.
It seemed to me that we would fly up,
What a pity that this was my vision.
I open my eyes from which tears were big drop.
we can do it, we need to make a decision

I've been strong warrior girl for so long
Only with you I want to become weak.
Become my protector, my saving song.
Our love is silence, we don't need to speak .
And I can hear your thoughts from a distance .
I can feel your heartbeat when I close eyes.
I want to be wrapped in your embrace,
Shut me out from the whole world , it's Dragon's rise.

Yes, I'm so reckless and crazy, I
drop everything and run to meet you.
The gods gave me wings, so I'm fly,
They gаve me heart, so I love too...
I'll walk my steps, but will you walk yours?
And are you ready to come to me?
I don't want you to think I'm like those dolls.
If you think so, then take a closer see.
I want you to give me your big heart.
My huge love would be enough for two.
But even though it's true, I'm too smart.
I won't stay with you if you don't love too.
And here I am hurrying to meet you,
not knowing if you will come to me.
Just don't be deceptive like the moon.
After all, for me, a lie is like death.
If there is no love in you, don't promise,
Don't make me appointments under the stars.
But if you love me, give me a magic kiss
and take me to your kingdom on red Mars

I'm making an appointment for you
In the country where the sun is born.
I believe it'll happen very soon.
And from now on you won't be alone.
Just for you, I'll give up everything
I knew and wait by the blue ocean.
There's like a siren I'll call you, sing.
In every life you were my only one.
Тhe fairy tale will become real.
Take me on your big wings to heaven.
I give myself to romantic Devil,
To be in your hot embrace forever

You stir the ocean in my soul,
Feelings cover me like waves.
Seeing you makes me lose control.
I just want to take off my dress
Аnd fall into your hot embrace.
Ask me what the gods really look like
Аnd I'll just point to your face.
You're stuck in my heart like a spike.
I like this pain, keep hurting me.
You are the most beautiful rose.
Next to you, I'm ready to die.
Love is strong, I don't want to lose...

Your distant princess is so lonely!
Her days stretch on another planet.
Why is the damn clock going slowly?
Only your portrait in my cold hand.
Your princess is alone in the dark,
She misses her distant rose so much!
I know where to go, you're my landmark.
I wish to experience your touch.
And I will go on a journey to the
Distant stars to find my special rose.
I do not know where you are now, where?
I'll go around the sky north and south.
I want to inhale the fragrance of
my rose, touch its petals with my lips.
And let my flower feel my great love
flying light towards the cosmic winds.

You've always been the one for me.
I loved you before I met you.
And this love makes me, like a bird, free.
This feeling has become my truth.
Doubt everything, but don't doubt me.
I 'm not changeable, like the moon.
I 'll love you even after death.
But I will give love through bloom.
My love is like a boundless ocean.
There is a single dragon in my heart.
And We share all our emotions.
In my heart you are the only lord

That night, when you saw my wings,
You decided that I'm Angel.
you think my kiss'll give you bliss.
What if I'm a tempter serpent?
But what if I'm the devil?
Tell , Will you as love me,
Will you stay by my side still ?
you're like life, and I'm like death...
We are from different worlds,
we believe in different things.
Be around? What're our chance?
I can only hope and miss...

From now on, my every day is full of light.
I look at your photo and it makes me smile.
And My life has always been like a fierce fight.
You're sending me rays even though we're miles.
You are my sun that warms at a great distance.
You have dispelled the darkness in my life.
But I have one wish: May our love be endless.
And now Let me dance on the edge of a knife,
I'm ready to burn my wings in flight to sun,
And only for you I can pass any tests.
After all, you have become my only one.
I'm dive in the love of the star, which is best.

You've forgotten who you really are.
You used to believe in the world's lies.
Аnd Your heart is filled with emptа.
I was looking for you and I found you, hey!
I've come to awaken my dragon!!!
Look at me and remember our love.
We're ancient Gods, you're not alone.
We'll change this evil world, that's enough!
Look into my eyes and remember
our eternal love my great dragon.
Our story in the Forgot Temple...
It's time to sit next to me on throne.
I came into this world just to find you.
Wake up! I hope you recognize me.
My eyes love you, Look into their blue.
Our love is greater than life and death

When I wake up, I think about you:
Are you all right, are you happy?
How can I please you? What can I do?
If I have to go for a feat, I'm ready!
I want to see a smile on your face.
And let her become your life partner.
I just want to see your happy dance.
Let all the stars smile at my tiger

I meet you again in a dream
Аnd say: kiss me, just kiss me hard.
And I'm drowning, unable to swim,
I don't want to love, that's enough!
With you, I am on the edge of
the abyss, you are my main danger.
You're killing me with a look soft,
My ruin is your eyes of black pearl

Yes, I'm frivolous that's
the reason I love you.
And I feel this big sense,
Now I do not know what to do...
You have changed me, and
My love for you is eternal.
Should this message be sent?
I have to tell you and how?

I'm a dragon in human form.
I wish you could see my big wings.
I cover you from the storm
with them , and your ship sailing with winds.
I chose you among all the faces.
Because you're a dragon just like me.
And We are bound by fate, at least.
Fly to me, I've found you, finally!
Now it's just us and our big love...
Only we can save this lost world.
Let's you take my hands and fly above !
I'll give you peace, because you been found

We will meet you again in the spring.
As How many thousands of years ago.
Everything is cyclical, life is ring.
love from past lives repeats like an echo.
When I was Ishtar, I followed you
down to the underworld my Dumuzi.
In this life if I have to I'll go too.
Karma brought Trials and love to me.
I was Aphrodite and waited for our
meeting every spring, my Adonis.
Our love brought spring and beautiful flowers.
And again we are separated winds.
In every life we are separated,
But I will always meet you halfway.
I know we will meet when spring comes to land.
Believe ! We will conquer fate, one day

Princess of sadness dancing in the rain.
Without you, I write poems about you.
Every day I'm alone and sad again.
I'm as unhappy as the distant moon.
My life is a complete hopelessness,
My despair is deeper than the ocean,
And My long loneliness is endless.
I'm fly into cold cosmos- that's my plan.
My place is among the same lonely stars.
My sadness 'll fit in the cosmic darkness.
my betrothed will be the red ice mars.
And I'll put a smiling mask on my face .

I write songs only about you,
But you'll never hear them their light.
I'll sing to the birds under the moon.
The song is my sword in this fight.
Now I want to defeat evil .
It's enough that I'm unhappy.
And armed with love, I must win.
Today I'll make others happy.
Let the birds sing my songs to you.
Be happy while I'm fighting.
My love is sincere, it's my truth.
My whole sad life is a ring

I bought two tickets today,
To fly with you to the moon.
And there will be a boundless way...
I hope and believe w'll leave soon.
I'm tired of wars and violence.
Now Let's run away together!
Where the stars are we will dance.
I want to be with you ,yes, I'm crazy!
It doesn't matter where, the main
thing is to always be with you.
Let's fly away on our train!
Our home will be on the moon!

We fall in love with similarities,
but we love for differences.
We are similar, each has one fender.
But we are not similar in character.
You're like ice, and I'm on fire again.
I love freedom, life between trains.
And what should we do? Can you hold the bird?
And I don't want to lose you, I'll hold .
I believe love can conquer and
reconcile our shortcomings went.
You're like a heavy rain in my heart.
Wherever I go, you're everywhere...
And You are the supreme divine art.
I breathe you, you are my atmosphere.
Your rain in the heart and on the street,
It's like I've landed on your planet.
I'll coming to you in the hope of meet.
Our love in verse can't just be deleted.
And I got to where you are God.
I surrender to your stream of rain.
And let him carry me to my lord.
Only your waters can cool my flame.

If you have gray clouds over your head,
then a rainbow'll certainly appear.
Even from a distance, I hold your hand.
I'll be by your side at any fight.
And I'm like a shadow always there,
I am your Nikа, I'll bring victory.
I will take away your tears and fear.
Our souls are as close as gemini .
I will protect you with my blue wing.
I will kiss you gently giving you love.
And for me you are the only king.
Your heart is the only thing I want to have

We don't need to talk when silence surrounds us.
Even without words, I can hear your thoughts.
And now The pain of this world, shots and wars
will not break our thread , which is stronger than glass.
Feelings're eternal, their root is ancient.
We hold on with our hearts, not with our hands.
And I'll become your starry bright silence,
So that you become song in this essence

You and I are like Mars and Venus,
We're couple created by heaven.
Far away from you, I can feel your pulse.
I will not part with your image , never...
While you're fighting, I'm sending you love.
When we meet I will embrace you in arms.
If your weapon is a sword or a knife ,
then my weapon is love to stop wars.
Two planets are circling in the sky,
they were named in honor of our love.
And one day you and I will fly !
Our souls are intertwined in one heart

Just promise to be my bright warm sun,
your flower is waiting for the rays.
But then shine only for me alone.
I only see you among the guys.
Among all the stars, you are my sun,
I want to be your only flower.
Love is not afraid of urogan.
After all, all storms will is over .
While your bright rays shine on me again,
everything will be fine with me.
Don't forget about me on the trains.
Your flower doesn't want to be free.
I'm waiting for my sun even in rain.
I'm only looking at you, Yes, I see

"Inevitability" and "fate"
are two words that can describe our love.
It's like I'm standing outside the gate
for which you are, that's not enough.
I have to open these doors to you
and go towards the predestined.
I believe you want it badly too.
And I'm going on wings to your land.
Our meeting became a destiny and bright hope ,
I know it cannot be avoided.
I will not be hindered by snow, cold.
And now I promise that I will went.
I am afraid and wish for it.
I know we are tightly bound by fate.
Your image beckons me with its sweet.
I am coming to you, I'll open the gates

You say you love dangerous women.
And you brought the curse on yourself.
You can pray a hundred times or ten,
Now you should not wait for someone's help.
I am your dangerous dream that came
true and became an obsession.
I will burn you in my wild red flame!
It's your own fault for wishing danger

There are souls bound by fate,
like two parts of one magic star.
But what if the hearts met too late?
Can the separation bepass?
And standing at the crossroads
they're thrown into opposite worlds.
Will the soul find its part if it wants?
Is there a way out of the round ?
Sometimes even the hearts connected
by the red thread of fate are lost.
But I want to change this so that
two souls will be next to close .

My love is bigger than the starry sky...
But there is a huge gap between us.
Why aren't we together? Tell me why?
I'm going to lose in this brutal race.
What will change from my great eternal love ?
What will change my desire to be with you?
I have passed my segment of the path.
But you're standing still, Well now I'm too.
You won't change for me, I'm not asking,
who am I to ask for this! -Alien.
I'm distant and intangible, like wind.
You dreamed, not wanting to be with me then.
But I am real and alive, I feel pain.
And I really want to be with you.
But I'm ephemeral to you, like rain.
You are always inactive. What can I do?...

It's probably irrational,
After all, we can't be together.
Maybe my love is unilateral.
If so, then it turns out I'm just crazy!
However, violating all human laws,
I want to be with you in spite of.
Prove to me that I can trust you, my Mars.
And I will go to your planet, my dark lord

You are my forbidden magic,
But I want to fall into this dark.
I'm starting to lose my mind.
Why have you captured my heart?
It's like dancing with the devil.
You are my worst temptation.
I want to give myself to this dream.
You're passion and emonation

We sit with you speechlessly
Оn the edge of the universe.
everything happens suddenly...
Only my love is constant of course.
Under our feet are stars in the void.
I don't want to fall into darkness.
Don't let go of my hand,please hold it.
I'm flying, but down. Hold your princess.
Don't let me fall if you still love.
Without you, my life of loneliness.
Well, I've probably said enough.
Bless me for a long fall, kiss is bless

I have to let you go like the wind.
If you are my fate, we'll meet again.
Love is an addiction, let's get rid.
Today we will board different trains.
Freedom above all, true love- freedom.
Perhaps our feeling is eternal.
If so, we'll meet one day at the throne.
Fate will say am You my only one.
They sit on the throne and judge honestly.
They know if we should be together.
I will stop fighting and just trust their will.
I still want to be with you, It's crazy

Well, You left your gloomy queen
Burning in the bright red sun.
My soul'll be stolen by the winds.
I thought I was your only one.
The prince forgot about his rose,
Its petals burned in the sun.
Now forever love will be lost.
And what about our love vow?
Maybe my petal will find you.
Let him kiss your lips for me.
Only in my love was the truth.
But you condemned me to death

Our love was initially doomed.
We belong to different worlds with you.
By an unknown mistake of fate, we met.
Our love was doomed how could I know
We are separated by distance .
You have forgot me quickly forever.
You didn't love, was it just a dream or trance.
What a terrible dark and sad word "never"!
Now we'll never see each other again .
My love is useless before the fate.
Her sword pierced my heart and it's not wine...
It's blood dripping on the black dead land

My heart was ripped out of my chest,
My wings were ripped out of my back.
I have nothing and I'm going west.
There's the gates of hell, I'll meet a snake.
I've always had only magic with me.
The serpent'll open the gates of hell .
There for me stands the throne of dreams.
I'll sit next to a beautiful snake, well.
I was rejected by this evil world.
Only magic gave me its bright light.
Now I'll sit on the throne and take the sword.
Sometimes black is what is called white

We are two proud white swans,
Оur love is eternal.
I know We will meet once.
Perhaps It's just a Trial.
But we're monogamous,
So we'll overcome it.
Our life is sad dramas.
But still we are not dead.
So we can still beat fate.
As long as Swans love and hope ,
Nothing can be too late.
Don't cry, wipe off the drops

I want us to become blue whales
Аnd sing songs together in the sea.
I'll come to the beach, take off my dress.
I'll fall into the waves and just sink.
And let my soul become a blue whale
Аnd there I will wait only for you.
Come to me by all means, through the hail.
My eyes're calling you, drown in their blue.
Just let's become whales and fly up,
Аmong the stars we will sing to each other...
Our love is a dream, not a drop,
But an ocean where we will be together

I'm the goddess of snow and ice,
I float in the sky and create magic
Don't look into my frosty eyes.
View brings the cold of the Arctic.
Are you afraid that I'll bewitch you?
Hold out your palm and we'll fly away.
I'll give you a fairy tale, it's true.
We'll soar into the skies on this day.
You'll sit in my sleigh and I'll kiss you,
Your heart'll freeze and you'll only be mine.
You will be my king in on the moon.
Our eternity, Queen and Kai

Once My heart froze forever in my chest,
I am the Lady of ice and freedom star.
And I carry winter to any place.
I'll freeze your soul, my love is like a war.
Your heart will freeze, and then I'll just break it.
You'll have to pick up the pieces of heart.
As a result, you will find out that winter
Turned into your "eternity "in hand

Everyone says they love more than life,
But I love you more than all my lives.
They want to die for someone with a knife.
But I will live to save you with my wings.
They say they love all the way to the moon.
I love you further than before Sirius.
They say their love is a beautiful tune.
My -whole symphony and you are its muse.
They say: "Forever", but soon they forget.
I will love in every life and I am faithful.
They want to get closer to your planet.
My love is strong and at distance of moon

I want to be with you, dark angel.
Among the stars I'll choose only yours.
Walking around the world, I'm stranger.
People lie and pursue their goals.
Having betrayed this whole evil world,
I'm going after you, hoping for love.
Whatever you ask , I give my accord.
You love me and that's enough to know.
Just take me out of this dirty world
on your black wings, my sexy angel.
I want to fall with you, I'm hope
Succumb to your sweet temptation.
I want to fall into your arms
Аnd commit the fall in your hands.
The starry night is in your big eyes
Аnd she calls me to this danger dance

I just want to be your protector
Аnd protect you with my wounded wing.
I just want to be around like quiet snow.
Just being invisible like the wind.
You don't have to know, I'm keeping you safe.
May my spell protect you from everything.
You can go under strafe and be calm.
After all, the Sorceress keeps her king.
One day, I will die for you, I will become foam.
But I don't want you to know about me.
Мain thing is that my king will sit on the throne.
And I'm just invisibly nearby

The queen is doomed to loneliness
Аnd her path is boundless among the snows.
She gave her heart, she won't be a princess.
She brave goes to fate, dropping tears in drops.
From now on, she commands the snows and frosts.
And she will share her loneliness with the stars.
She has gained strength and her heart is lost.
Now no one'll break heart into pieces of glass

I locked myself in my ice palace
Аnd tore my heart out of my chest, hiding it.
I'm the queen of the snows and a sorceress.
And at night I fly to the stars on cold winds.
But this does not save me from loving you.
You have bewitched me and there is no escape.
At first, this love had to pass like the flu,
But you found my heart and finally Grab.
Now I'm ready to surrender to you.
I open the doors of my palace and wander to
you to put on the crown of the winner
You made a girl without a heart fall in love with you.

You and I're like reflections.
I am like your shadow, like the night.
Melt into your light. That's what I want.
We're Yin Yang: I'm darkness, you're light.
Let me always be your shadow.
And now you become my bright sun.
Give my long gray rains a rainbow.
And You became the only one.
Let's become a world for each other,
where we'll just be only you and me.
Others are scared by evil monsters.
But I'll protect you with a wing

We are two ancient dragons from legends.
Lost, now we wander in search on the lands.
One day we will find each other in peace.
We will fly into the sky on our wings.
The fairy tale'll become a reality.
Everything'll be possible if we meet


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