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1 Black humor and sneering invectives

Литература / Сатира и юмор / 1 Black humor and sneering invectives
Просмотр работы:
21 декабря ’2024   22:04
Просмотров: 39

What should an unemployed person do?
To rest by the trash heap while there is such opportunity.
Is it possible to hide from troubles?
It is preferable to shoot oneself in the cemetery.
How can you lose weight quickly?
It would be necessary every day on all fours quickly be directed to the food supply, and then in the same way with the food in the teeth - back.
Should you buy a car now?
It is worth buying a smartphone instead and watching the torment of stupid motorists from the metro.
Does it make sense to strive for enrichment?
Fools always create unnecessary problems for themselves.
Is it possible to earn a good ton of money right away?
It is possible immediately earn only good gonorrhea.


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