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1 My ironic passages about the females

Литература / Сатира и юмор / 1 My ironic passages about the females
Просмотр работы:
24 ноября ’2024   00:04
Просмотров: 276

There are no the smart girls because of their lack of experience.

To become the norm, it is necessary to give yourself to more than one normalizer.

Ladies call still recently the pretty girls.

Smart women, realizing her shortcoming, unsuccessfully try not to think badly of themselves.

Women hate mirrors, and therefore they are happy to hang them in front of themselves.

Nowadays, the age is not a hindrance for ladies, up to Alzheimer's disease, when they themselves forget about it.

Shouldn't polygamy be introduced everywhere?
It all depends on the circumstances. In some places it would be nice to introduce polyandry.

Natural blondes are prized by men for their extraordinary ability to hide their mind.


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