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3 Ironic passages about stupidity.

Литература / Сатира и юмор / 3 Ironic passages about stupidity.
Просмотр работы:
28 августа ’2024   00:03
Просмотров: 166

What to do if there are very few brains left?
It's not a problem. They will be replaced by the nervous system.
Is it possible to quickly escape from oneself?
The easiest way is to quickly to go for vodka…
Can the name given at birth affect the course of life?
The course of life is influenced most of all by the stupidity of the owner of any name.
Is it possible to become absolutely free?
Absolutely, you can become only by a round durak.
Is it possible to accidentally drown in a bathtub?
You can accidentally drown even in a bowl of soup.
Why did people wear tall top hats in the past?
To show that the mind is such that it cannot fit into the head.
To what extent can fool oneself?
Until the stomach growls, but as it fills, enlightenment occurs.


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