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4 My ironic passages about the living beings.

Литература / Сатира и юмор / 4 My ironic passages about the living beings.
Просмотр работы:
25 августа ’2024   00:04
Просмотров: 155

Where is the most difficult place for lice to live?
On the bald.

Why do we produce crap and bees produce honey?
Because, unlike bees, we are nothing but the first-rate shit.

Why does a giraffe hide its head in the sand?
Because its head doesn't get in into the solid ground.

Can bedbugs think?
No worse than us. After all, it is not we who drink their blood, but they who drinks ours.

What is always found in troubled waters?
If there is no another water, then that's it.

How does the language of monkeys differ from the language of humans?
It does not flow through by thought along the tree.


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