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3 All in one line. It is sarcastic

Литература / Сатира и юмор / 3 All in one line. It is sarcastic
Просмотр работы:
10 июля ’2024   00:03
Просмотров: 426

True to alien people's ideas are those blockheads who have not grown to their own.
The depth of "great" ideas does not give people the opportunity to dive in up to them.
Even water can turn to ice if it will be brought to this.
It is being forbidden to live well, since to live well get somehow not good.
You need to go into internet when you need to void your head.
How to make it so that you don't get sick anymore?
Thou need to sit into a separate cell.
How to know what will happen tomorrow?
You need to listen to the forecast of meteorologists. They are rarely wrong on the tomorrow.
Who will laugh last?
The one who will have to, as the last one, laugh only at oneself.
To hit the target, you need to concoct it, but only then it will fuck you.


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