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8 There would be questions, there will be answers

Литература / Сатира и юмор / 8 There would be questions, there will be answers
Просмотр работы:
12 июня ’2024   00:04
Просмотров: 1053

Should you acquire mistresses?
Mistresses, like cockroaches, start on their own.

How to learn about the abilities of own brain?
You need to get into it, choose the right ones, if any, and be able to get out with them.

What does a back ass always dream on?
The ass always dreams of becoming the front line, but that's the bad luck - it's more convenient to walk with the front.

What really surrounds us from all sides?
The danger of choosing the wrong side.

How is life essentially different from death?
Life without death can be very boring.

How should the people be manipulated?
As always - to keep a carrot in front of your nose, but so that it did not eat it.


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