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1. Ironic passages about stupidity

Литература / Сатира и юмор / 1. Ironic passages about stupidity
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10 августа ’2022   00:05
Просмотров: 3803

You have suffering most of all from your own stupidity.

What is an anecdote?
Popular stupidity, exposed for show.

How to choose a dissertation topic?
At random, if you're a fool.

The person who asks questions all the time is a dummy who forgets the answers all time.

The mistake differs from stupidity in the absence of a desire to do it.

Whither are we in a hurry all time?
Not there, but from there.

With whom is it most pleasant to argue?
It is most pleasant to argue with the boss for self-approval.

Why is the mind always lacking?
Because the mind always shares foolishness.

Why are there so many fools around us?
Because trying to get smart is costing a lot for any person.


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