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My ironic passages about a person 1

Литература / Сатира и юмор / My ironic passages about a person 1
Просмотр работы:
03 августа ’2022   00:04
Просмотров: 4014

The person appeared thanks to the come awareness of oneself, having been previously an inconscient primate.

Any person takes offense the most of all on the fair ridicules over him.

Is it possible to live in cosmos?
Of course, it is possible, but in an earthly prison it is still more familiar.

How is a person different from nature?
Nature, unlike a person, is not aware that it has consciousness.

What is the head?
The passing yard for all sorts of thoughts.

What is the body for?
There is no deed without a body.

What should be hung on the gate?
Not what, but who - the owner, if he is a thief.

How is a bitch different from a bough?
A bitch can be hung on a bough if it can stand it, but a bough is not hung on a bitch.

The philistine is only interested in himself because no one is interested in him.


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