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My ironic passages about consciousness 1

Литература / Сатира и юмор / My ironic passages about consciousness 1
Просмотр работы:
31 июля ’2022   00:10
Просмотров: 3946

Consciousness itself finds oneself, if it is even lost.

Is there consciousness in the donkey?
Of course there is, but only the asinine'.

What happens to the soul after the death of the body?
Unlike the body, nothing special.

Redundant thoughts are born from mental insufficiency.

A caught thought is not a maid it won't go to bed immediately where will be ordered.

A lie differs from the truth in that it flies out of your head faster.

It is possible to think correctly only under the vigor of vile propaganda.

How to raise the spirit to one hundred percent?
You just have to vent it to one hundred percent.

A good mental breakdown also happens from a good fracture.


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