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My ironic passages about dreams 2

Литература / Сатира и юмор / My ironic passages about dreams 2
Просмотр работы:
27 июля ’2022   00:04
Просмотров: 4035

Who are really academicians?
Mostly those who, having earned merits, fall asleep on them.

Reality provides us with dreams only so that we can continue to endure it.

Should you believe dreams?
Only in dreams.

What should be done for the coming sleep?
Order different sleeps each time.

Why does one sleep better at night than during the day?
In the dark, the public is no longer in the way.

Here, you have a dream that it will be better, and you wake up sick.

Any bullshit dreams before squabbles and troubles.

Sleeping person so reminds a corpse, that is possible to be mistaken.

Sleep is a dry run of situations without consequences for an organism.


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