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Джоя- all that jazz

Просмотр работы:
05 сентября ’2012   16:33
Просмотров: 22113

Come on babe why don't we paint the town
and all that jazz
I'm gonna rouge my knees
and roll my stockings down
and all that jazz
Start the car I know a whoopee spot
Where the gin is cold
but the piano's hot!
It's justy a noisy hall
Where there's a nightly brawl
And all that jazz

And all that jazz
And all that jazz
Slick your hair
And wear your buckle shoes
And all that Jazz
I hear that Father Dip
Is gonna blow the blues
And all that Jazz
Hold on, hon
We're gonna bunny hug
I bought some aspirin
Down at United Drug
I case you shake apart
And want a brand new start
To do that

[Roxie Hart] (imagine)

[Velma Kelly]
Find a flask
We're playing fast and loose
And all that jazz
Right up here
Is where I store the juice
And all that jazz
Come on, babe
We're gonna brush the sky
I bet you luck Lindy
Never flew so high
'Cause in the stratosphere
How could he lend an ear
to all that jazz?
Oh, you're gonna see your sheba shimmy shake

And all that jazz

[Velma Kelly]
Oh, she's gonna shimmy 'till her garters break

And all that jazz

[Velma Kelly]
Show her where to park her girdle
Oh, her mother's blood'd curdle

If she'd hear her baby's queer

[Velma Kelly]
For all that jazz

All that jazz
Come on, babe
Why Don't we paint
The town?
And all that jazz
And all that jazz
I'm gonna rouge my knees
And roll my stockings down
And all that jazz
And all that jazz
Start the car
I know a whoopee spot
Where the gin is cold
But the piano's hot
It's just a noisy hall
Where there's a nightly brawl
And all that jazz

No, I'm no one's wife
But, Oh, I love my life
And all
That Jazz!


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