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Kids of the Sun

Просмотр работы:
07 февраля ’2012   00:47
Просмотров: 23249

The Kids of the Sun

You will see its features
Once you get to reach it,
If you find the courage
To discover light.
You will see its features
Once you get to reach it,
Cherish Heaven's glory
Till it's out of sight.

We'll do it at once, and it will be easy,
The kids of the sun, we are guided by it.
The tune of the wind is calm and appeasing,
A sweet lullaby for the slumbering street.

The kingdom of night pulls up it's black curtain,
The shade of the sun is revealed in this dark,
We're born to be loved, we see it is certain,
And harmony feels in your heart, in its spark.

Watch the fading cloud
Wandering about,
Merging with the skyline
And the starry sea.
You will see its features
Once you get to reach it,
Once you learn to treasure
Moments of this glee.

We'll do it at once, and it will be easy,
The kids of the sun, we are guided by it.
The tune of the wind is calm and appeasing,
A sweet lullaby for the slumbering street.

The kingdom of night pulls up its black curtain,
The shade of the sun is revealed in the dark,
We're born to be loved, we see it is certain,
And harmony feels in your heart, in its spark.


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Оставлен: 07 февраля ’2012   00:53

Оставлен: 07 февраля ’2012   00:55

Оставлен: 04 марта ’2012   18:37
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