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Pieces of Sand

Просмотр работы:
05 февраля ’2012   00:52
Просмотров: 23417

Pieces of Sand

- I breathe severity in this air,
The northern blizzard foresees the storm to follow,
I'll fight the gravity of despair,
I'll make it through despite the riddles of fate.

- I see your suffering drags you nowhere,
Illusions' taste, like fine wine, will hurt to swallow.
Just slow down, just stand and stare
At small sweet joys this day could only create.

Upper eyes define the truth and might,
Upper forces will withstand,
It's for you to paint the dusk or sunlight,
It's revealed in pieces of sand.

Minutes chase each other, flow,
Shadows vanish, colors blend
Join this madness; choose the way you go,
It is paved with pieces of sand.

- The evil laughter may break the silence,
But it is soon to be gone, at least, get quitter,
It's such a burden, a blast of violence -
To fight with destiny, so proud and swift.

- But I've discovered that life in motion
Will grant the army of faith a worthy fighter.
I'm taken over by lush emotions,
I'm walking forward, I search for my gift.

Upper eyes define the truth and might,
Upper forces will withstand,
It's for you to paint the dusk or sunlight,
It's revealed in pieces of sand.

Minutes chase each other, flow,
Shadows vanish, colors blend
Join this madness; choose the way you go,
It is paved with pieces of sand.


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Оставлен: 05 февраля ’2012   01:04

Оставлен: 07 февраля ’2012   00:42

Оставлен: 04 марта ’2012   18:38
Любовь- она, как домик из песка
Её слагают люди по кусочку
Работа кропотлива и робка...
Ломать- не строить, миг, щелчок...и точка.
Сказать "прощай" легко в порыве зла,
В запале ссоры и непонимания
Но гнев спадет, как бурная волна,
И на песке прозренье и страдание...
Сказать "прости" претит в душе броня,
Амбиции, гордыня, будь что будет...
Уходит чувство, голову склоня.
Мы сами гоним тех, кого мы любим.


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